
Monday, March 19, 2007

Shabbat in Jerusalem


I know many people who come here as tourists for 1 - year - programmes and experience Shabbat in Jerusalem for the first time in their lifes. The same happened to me after I immigrated from Germany to Israel.

Shabbat in Jerusalem is very different from the Shabbatot abroad. Especially when you go to the Kotel, the Western Wall. Usually there are huge Shabbat celebrations with all kinds of Yeshiva students. Singing, dancing and afterwards the "most important" thing takes place: the Shabbat dinner placement.
It is almost impossible going to the Wall and not being invited by strangers for a Shabbat meal. People tell me that abroad this does not exist. I know that myself.
In case no one is coming up to you with an invitation, just place yourself at the water fountain at the men's side in front of the Wall and you will meet Jeff Seidel who is definitely getting you a placement. If not Jeff so his colleague Rabbi Schuster.

The same procedure on Shabbat morning: Meet Jeff at the fountain or just look around at noon and you will find Rabbi Mordechai Machlis doing a public Kiddush for anybody right in front of the Wall. Then he will ask you to join him and his family for lunch. Walk with him for about half an hour into the new city and you will have the most wonderful Shabbat experience. Never leave Jerusalem without going to the Machlis family at least once.

For the third meal there are two great places which I can recommend:

1. Rabbi Shalom Brod with Carlebach - Style and
2. Rabbi Me'ir Weiner.

The very special thing in Jerusalem is that you will never be alone. There are always people to celebrate with and for the places I mentioned, you do not need to be religious. Just be yourself.

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