
Thursday, April 5, 2007

Jews, Crusaders and Mazzot


I just finished reading the book THE CRUSADERS by Robert Payne. Whoever wants to know all the details about the crusades, the kings of Jerusalem and the battles with the Muslims should read this book.
However, the author entirely left out the murder of the Jewish population by the crusaders. The killings already started back in Europe and continued in Jerusalem.

After the destruction of the Second Temple, the Temple menorah was stolen by the Romans. Most people today agree that the menorah is being hidden in the Vatican.
Many years later the crusaders continued stealing Temple objects and sending them to Rome.
The present Israeli chief rabbis have been to the Vatican many times in order to speak to the pope. Until today, the Vatican refuses giving out any information about what kind of Temple objects they possess. Additionally, their library includes the greatest original works of the Rambam and other great Jewish writers. But no comment from the Vatican let alone a thought about giving it back to the real owners: The Jews.

A subject which always comes up on Pessach is the Blood Libel. During the Middle Ages, Jews were accused of baking their Mazzot with blood from Christian children. It is unknown how many Jews were persecuted just because this rediculous accusation. In last weeks Parashat Zav we were commanded not to consume blood. It is an Issur Deoraita.
How can other religions come to such stupid conclusions and make such false accusations ? Just read the Torah and see what commandments (Mitzwot) the Jews got.

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