It seems to me that within the past few years converts to Judaism are becoming less and less serious. Well, the majority never really kept Mitzwot after receiving the conversion papers and people just returned to their former habits.
Conversion in Israel is a delicate subject, as many other things depend on it. Such as citizenship and Aliyah rights, for example. Today most converts in Israel convert because they want to stay in the country.
Others are Gentiles married to Israelis and just convert to find acceptance from their new relatives.
Also Christian missionaries or Christian fanatics sometimes do convert or at least try to convert. Most missionaries are being caught, Baruch HaShem. The fanatics can be spotted out as well but they are not ashamed to lie as much as they can at the rabbis, and many times succeed.
Very few converts are really serious and keep the Mitzwot. However, haredi conversion courses are more successful than those of the national religious movement and the chief rabbinate.
Do the haredim know to choose honest candidates ? Is the chief rabbinate to irresponsible ? What about converts not keeping the Mitzwot afterwards ? Some even get married to Gentiles which is a real disaster. What about them ?
What do the rabbis say ? Haredim, national religious or the chief rabbinat ?
Next week I am going to different institutions in Jerusalem in order to find answers to all these questions. I already wrote about the subject in my German Hamantaschen - Blog and got plenty of responses.
I am very excited speaking to some people in charge. I will let you know the results.
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