There is no doubt that Halacha is important and, in most cases, does make sense. Either common sense or in a kabbalistic way. But sometimes I am really asking myself whether too many people just concentrate on all the smallest halachic details instead of fulfilling the Mitzwa with joy. Chassidut tells us to do a Mitzwa with joy and Kavanah (concentration).
I have met many people who just look on their watch and immediately start praying because it is time for Mincha. No inner thoughts or preparation, no meditation, nothing. 3pm means time for Mincha, so to speak. They mumble their prayer, Mitzwa fulfilled, continue business as usual.
I never found out if people really pray at that moment and if so, what kind of prayer is this supposed to be. Many of you probably guess that it does sound litvish. Well, it mostly is.
Where chassidut very much emphazised joy, litvishe Haredim pray and do Mitzwot because they were commanded to do so. One can argue now which of the levels is a higher level.
History tells us that the litvishe Haredim accused the Chassidim of not following the Halachot or ignoring some of them. I can tell you just the opposite. Once I had a chassidic flatmate and she did not let me open a window on Shabbat. She said that if the window had not been open at the time of candle lighting, it is considered as Mukzeh on Shabbat, and therefore, I am not allowed to touch it. I later found out that there really is such a Halacha but, nevertheless, it sounded a little too much for me.
Another exaggerated example is Kashrut. Especially in Israel, Kashrut is still very important and a great business. The better the Hechsher, the higher the price. The best Israeli Hechsher (kosher certificate) is the one from the Beit Din Zedek (Badatz) of the Edah HaCharedit. The Edah includes chassidic groups such as Satmar, Dushinsky, Toldot Aharon and others. The goods with such a Hechsher are more expensive than others.
Another very good Hechsher is the one from the Chassidut Belz (Badatz Belz). However, the Edah does not recognize the Hechsher from Belz, as they have been quarreling for more than twenty years. In the 80's, Belz, once member of the Edah, left it in order to get money from the State of Israel. The goups of the Edah are upset and until do not buy products with the Belz Hechsher.
A further important Hechsher is the one from the Rabbanut (chief rabbinate) Yerushalaim. Kasher Le'Mehadrin or Kasher Le'Mehadrin min HaMehadrin. Min HaMehadrin is even better. Most chassidic groups do not trust the Rabbanut and only buy goods with their own Hechsher. The American OU and the British Chief Rabbinate of London or Manchester are sometimes acceptable.
I mostly do agree with the Haredim when say claim that the Rabbanut does not check enough. A few times, I went to a certain cafe in Jerusalem and saw Arabs turning on the stove for the baking process. When I complained to the manager she claimed that no one had told her that this is not considered as kosher.
The majority thinks that the whole Hechsher business in Israel is exaggerated and only politics. The Agudath Israel (with Gur, Vishnitz and Belz) against the Edah and both of them against the Rabbanut. Secretly, Belz has its wheelings and dealings with the Rabbanut Yerushalaim.
The secret behind keeping kosher is mostly kabbalistic. Which Hechsher is the best for my soul and is there such a Hechsher at all ? At least in Israel, it is a great business and food manufacturers and restaurants have to pay.
Many times I feel completely lost with the thousand of details and politics. Is this what G - d wants from us ?
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