
Monday, June 11, 2007

The Curse


While walking through Jerusalem today, you might realize many posters on the walls. Posters written in Mea Shearim style which are called Fakshvillim. They were put up by the anti - zionistic Edah HaCharedit located in Mea Shearim. Members of the Edah are, for example, Satmar, Toldot Aharon, Dushinsky, Brisk etc.

The so - called Open House is planning a new Gay Parade in Jerusalem on June, 21. In my opinion, it is a disaster having such a Parade in Jerusalem. The gays can go to Tel Aviv or elsewhere. By the way, there was a Gay Parade in Tel Aviv last Friday.

Jerusalem is the city of G - d and such a parade is a desecration. All three religions, Jews, Moslems and Christians are demonstrating against such a parade. The Knesset just signed a new law not allowing such an event in Jerusalem. However, the homosexual organisation, "The Open House" in Ben Yehudah Street wants to make its point. They claim to have a right for the parade. The only thing is that they seem to do it on purpose. Enjoying running around half naked through Jerusalem just to make their point.

Now, the Edah HaCharedit has put a ban and a curse on everyone joining the parade, including the people protecting it such as the police. Additionally, 100,000 Haredim are expected to demonstrate against the gays. I am not sure if police and border police will take such a risk. Mayor Uri Lupolianski and the vast majority of the inhabitants are against the parade anyway.

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