
Monday, July 30, 2007

Chassidic Tish with Kretchnif


After our disappointment that the Rebbes of Toldot Aharon and Toldot Avraham Yitzchak had not returned yet, we went for a Tish at Chassidut Kretchnif. A friend of mine had described the way there very well and we found their synagogue quite easily. Although they have a huge building complex, the chassidut is rather small.

On our way there, we finally found the women's entrance into the synagogue of the third Toldot Aharon split - off, the Shomrei Emunim. It sounds funny but, so far, my friend and I had always been unable to spot out the women's entrance. If you stand right in front of the building in Mea Shearim Street you will see only one door which is, of course, for the men. We even asked a few people passing by but as the Shomrei Emunim group is rather unknown, no one could really help us.

As we were walking by last Friday, I overheard a conversation of a mother and her daughters. They were planning to go to the Shomrei Emunim Tish and while they were talking, they already disappeared in a certain staircase. We ran after them and they led us into the Shomrei Emunim synagogue. It is not too easy getting there and first we had to climb shaky stairs in the dark. However, it was an adventure.

Their synagogue is small but beautiful. Especially their Aron HaKodesh. Although they did not have a Tish, we very much enjoyed seeing the synagogue from the inside. We still have to find out when they do have a Tish which might be once a month or so, as their Rebbe lives in Bnei Brak and is in his eighties.

But back to Kretchnif were we went afterwards.
Also at Kretchnif, women have to climb up many stairs until they get to the women's section. First, the stairs will lead you to a balcony and then just find a certain door. My friend and I had the experience before that we chose wrong entrances and when we saw all the doors at Kretchnif, we were horrified. Carefully, we opened one door and well, it was the right one for a change.
As Kretchnif does not have too many members, the women's section was small. Too small for that night, as there were actually many people. We made our way to the Mechitza and could see very well what was going on downstairs. The Rebbe was in a great mood and kept on singing all the time. He just had a tiny interruption when he ate. However, he did not bother too much about the food but kept on singing enthusiastically.

The men's section was full and we spotted out many chassidim from different groups. Also from Toldot Aharon or Avraham Yitzchak. They both wear the same clothes which makes it almost impossible to distinguish between them without asking.
We stayed for a little more than an hour. On our way home, we found the Munkatch synagogue which we have never spotted out before. It was an extremely hot summer night and even after one o'clock at night, the streets in Mea Shearim were crowded. Local couples went for a walk and outsiders were searching for chassidic Tishes. It was a great atmosphere.

This coming Friday, we are invited for dinner at the Biale Rebbe in Givat Shaul. The younger one and not the one who always comes for the high holidays from Switzerland.

If anyone of you is looking for a great chassidic Tish, I can highly recommend Kretchnif.

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