
Saturday, July 7, 2007

Christian Missionaries in Rehavia


This week, I read in a haredi paper that the anti - missionary organization Yad Le'Achim was finally successful.

A certain messianic community in the Rehavia neighbourhood planned to extend their building. They wanted to add another building including a soup kitchen and dormitories.
By the way, it has become very popular among missionaries to use the poor population for their purposes. As everyone can imagine, they do not only serve food but also hand out missionary booklets.
Jews have a Mitzwa of doing Chesed and if you go to a Jewish religious soup kitchen in Jerusalem, everyone is welcomed and no one is being missionized. Not so at the Christian soup kitchens. Either you show a certain interest or you will not get your food for such a long time. By the way, who is going their anyway, as the food is not kosher at all ?

Anyway, thanks to Yad Le' Achim and the inhabitants of Rehavia that the municipality did not allow an extension of the missionary building. Especially neighbours complained that their children were playing in the street and the messianics came along to missionize them.

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