
Sunday, July 1, 2007

A whole night with Toldot Aharon


So, what seems to be so special about another night at the rebbe's Tish of the chassidic group Toldot Aharon ?

Well, very special is that this time, my friend and I stayed right until the end of the Tish. In the past weeks, we always left after an hour or so and moved on to their split - off Toldot Avraham Yitzchak. Last Friday, however, we stayed at Toldot Aharon and did not regret it at all.

First of all, the Tish is not the same. The Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe, Rabbi Shmuel Kahn, starts earlier and lets it go on very slowly. His brother and Toldot Aharon Rebbe, Rabbi David Kahn, on the other hand, starts later but keeps his schedule. He makes Kiddush, Netillat Yadaim and eats. It goes fast. Whereas Rebbe Shmuel Yaakov Kahn takes his time.

What we really liked at Toldot Aharon was the close relationship between the Rebbe and his chassidim. He shakes hands, gives blessings and shares his food. He likes to have it very simple and does eat his meal from regular dishes. His wife sits in the women's section upstairs. We did not even recognize her, as she sits on the hard benches just as every other woman. It is the simplicity I do admire.

Also here the women see the Tish as a social event and talk. Except when the Rebbe is talking or singing, of course. Last Friday we were not the only visitors. Suddenly a group from the States walked in and Toldot Aharon women tried out their poor English. Not too successfully but a very nice try. Later on, two American Satmar ladies came and spoke perfect English and Yiddish.

Right before the end, Rebbe David Kahn got up as well as his chassidim. They started singing very nice Niggunim and danced. Each of them took the hand of the person standing next to him and waved from left to right. This was a great thing to see.

When you go to Avraham Yitzchak you should take your time. At least until 4am. Rebbe David Kahn from Toldot Aharon finished at 2.30am and we were surprised that it was over so soon. One has to concentrate on the positive and a great positive thing is that the chassidim have more time to sleep until they get up for the morning service.

It is impossible to say which of the two Tishes is better. Each of the brothers as well as each group has its own unique character and style. It is not the same at all and the atmospheres are very different.

What we also noticed was a slight change in the generations. Whereas the elderly women are more serious and well - behaved, the younger generation (people in their twenties and thirties) has built it's own style. They are also well - behaved and serious but, nevertheless, they have developed their character and interests. It does not matter in what part of society one is, younger people are always different than the older generation. Toldot Aharon and Avraham Yitzchak are no exception.

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