Israel Wallas is back in the news. This is not exactly what he wants, as he is a member of the chassidic group Toldot Aharon. They want anything but being in the non - religious Zionist press.
More than a year ago, just before Pessach, Israel Wallas was subject of all the Israeli papers and TV. He was accused of having killed his baby boy who was only a few months old. The police said that Israel wanted to take an afternoon nap when the baby started crying and bothering him. He took the little boy and slammed his head against the wall. The baby died and Israel Wallas got arrested.
Toldot Aharon did not accept the arrest and instead, they wanted to deal with the matter alone. For them, there was no reason why the Zionist state should get involved. However, someone died and this makes it to a real important issue. Israel Wallas claimed that he did not kill or abuse his child. He simply said that the baby fell and died. A well - known Israeli doctor was asked to examine the dead body and he came to the same conclusion. There were not signs of abuse, whatsoever. Additional support for Wallas came from the litvishe Rabbis, Rabbi Eliyashiv and Rabbi Steinman, from Bnei Brak. The Edah HaCharedit in Mea Shearim started demonstrations; blocking roads and burning garbage cans. A few weeks later, Israel Wallas was released from jail.
Now, he is back in the news. Despite all his claims and other supporters, he has to go to court next month. I don' t know how the police is justifying the court. Apparently there are more proves that Israel Wallas did abuse his child. Next month, we will know more.
The second thing is that he became a father again, as another baby was born to him and his wife last week. The Brit is going to be this Wednesday. By the way, it is another baby boy. The municipality thought of taking away the child but relatives and friends see it as a new chance for Israel Wallas. Now, he has the opportunity to show the whole word that he is a good father and that all the accusations are nothing but Lashon HaRah.
What bothered me at this case is that we only read about Israel Wallas, and many times it seems that the baby is completely forgotten. And his wife just disappeared after it happened last year. As she is Toldot Aharon, I do not expect her running around in public and complaining about her husband. But she could have said something. Either if her husband is guilty or not and how she feels about the baby. But nothing. She was no subject at all.
I am not judging Israel Wallas, as it is not clear if he is guilty or not. However, my suggestion is that a social worker should go and see the Wallas family. At least once a month or so. Just in case…..
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