
Friday, August 31, 2007

Distance is important


It is still summer in Israel and another heat wave is ahead. This year we have been terribly suffering from several heat waves and had more than 35 degrees Celsius.
One might think that it is cooling down at night but this is not always the case. Even at night you can walk around wearing only a short sleeve shirt.

This makes it very hard for me visiting haredi neighbourhoods on Shabbat. Especially in Mea Shearim a woman should wear long sleeves. After a few meters, I am so exhausted, sweaty and thirsty that I desperately start looking for an air condition.

However, tonight my friend and me don't have to worry about a proper air condition, as we are again going to the Toldot Aharon Tish run by Rebbe David Kahn. And they have the best air condition.
It is very hard to explain why but we got attached to them very much. Maybe it is simply attraction or fascination. Could be.
Last Friday night, we were really overwhelmed by the friendliness of the members. I do enjoy their Tish very much but to me is is also important keeping my distance during the week.

I am not able having such a tense religious life and caring about Halachot in such a strict way. I am definitely not made for Takanot, as Toldot Aharon calls their code of law.

Nevertheless, we are going to their Tish tonight and hope to have a great time.

Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem to all of you !!!

If anyone is interested in the news from Toldot Avraham Yitzchak, the split - off:
This week, a grandchild of Rabbi Meir Brandsdorfer (Avraham Yitzchak and a member of the Badatz of the Edah), got married but I haven't heard so far to whom she got married to.

Here are the two Rebbes of Toldot Aharon and of Toldot Avraham Yitzchak. At the far right, you see Rebbe Yaakov Shmuel Kahn of Avraham Yitzchak and the Toldot Aharon Rebbe, Rabbi David Kahn, is standing in the middle.

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