
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

When non – religious Journalists start writing about Chassidim…..

then we mostly have a disaster.

I cannot remember how many times I have emphasized that someone writing about Jewish religion, haredi society or Chassidim should know the subject. Preferably be religious himself and therefore know the society very well.
It is always a catastrophe when non – religious Jews or those who only know half but claim to know everything start writing.

The best example gives us the Israeli daily HAARETZ. In today's edition the journalist Tamar Rotem writes an article about the Satmarer Rebbe's (Rabbi Aharon Teitelbaum) visit to Jerusalem about two weeks ago. Obviously Tamar Rotem doesn’t know what she is writing about because if she had only bothered reading a haredi paper, she would have written something else. But writing bad about Satmar sells much better.

Two weeks ago, I went to the Tish of the Satmarer Rebbe in Jerusalem. Not too successfully, as there were thousands of people and hardly any space in his tent. However, it was a great event in Mea Shearim.

Tamar Rotem makes the following claims:

Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum was completely ignored in Mea Shearim due to his dispute with his brother Rebbe Zalman Leib Teitelbaum. Not even the Edah HaCharedit came to his Tish and the Rebbes of Toldot Aharon as well as Toldot Avraham Yitzchak claimed to be out of town.

Well, Tamar Rotem, as you apparently have neither an idea about Mea Shearim nor have you been to Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum's Tish in Jerusalem, here some detailed information for you. Next time please find some time to go to a Tish yourself and speak to Chassidim instead of listening to rumours and making up your own mind.

1. Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum was not ignored by Mea Shearim. Just the opposite as thousands of Chassidim where in the streets and going to his Tish that Friday night. Everybody was there, Chassidei Gur, the members of Avraham Yitzchak and Toldot Aharon, etc.

2. The two Rebbes of Toldot Aharon and Toldot Avraham Yitzchak had been out of town for a few weeks. They were abroad due to their summer vacation. Had you ever bothered asking around in Mea Shearim, you would have found out very easily.

3. The Edah HaCharedit didn't ignore Rebbe Teitelbaum at all. Again, just the opposite, as Rabbi Meir Brandsdorfer participated in the Tish. And as we all know, except yourself of course, Meir Brandsdorfer is a member of Toldot Avraham Yitzchak as well as of the Beit Din Zedek of the Edah.

4. Other Rebbes usually don't participate in other Tishes, as they are busy with their own group. However, the Rebbes sent representatives to the Tish of the Satmarer Rebbe. Even Chassidut Belz, and as we all know, except yourself of course, Belz and the Edah are not best buddies.

5. Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum has followers in Mea Shearim but, compared to New York, there are no fights between the Chassidim. This information we got from a Chassidic woman in Mea Shearim.

As I said before, one should at least know the subject, speak to people and be inside society before he starts writing articles. Maybe I should send my complaint directly to HAARETZ but it might be just thrown into the trash can, as gossip sells much better.

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