
Thursday, September 6, 2007

Be Aware of Products from TNUVA and STRAUSS


As long as I can remember, the biggest Israeli manufacturer of dairy products, TNUVA, has had its Kashrut problems. Is Tnuva kosher or not ? And is the Rabbanut Hechsher "Kasher LeMehadrin" enough to guarantee a high Kashrut standard ?

Some years ago, a Chabad rabbi invited me and some friends for a dinner in a well - known Jerusalem restaurant. But first, the rabbi called up the management in order to inquire about the Hechsher. He was told that the restaurant had a Hechsher from the Rabbanut (Kasher LeMahadrin) and that Tnuva milk was used for the pizza and lasagna. The rabbi wasn't too exited, as already at that time (1997) Tnuva was known for having Kashrut problems. Especially with Terumot and Maasrot.
However, he was assured that the ingredients of the restaurant were checked in a very special way, and he decided that we could go.

At that time, I used to live in a haredi neigbourhood and there, the haredim announced that it is advisable not to use Tnuva products during the Aseret Yamei Teshuva (10 Days of Repentance). There always used to be rumours and doubts about Tnuva but now everything came to light. Tnuva has even more severe Kashrut problems than expected.

For many years, the company used to add Chalav Nochri into some of their products. Especially the YOPLAIT yogurt contains Chalav Nochri. Chalav Nochri is milk which was milked by a Gentile. It is not forbidden to use such milk, however, Chalav Nochri doesn't meet the standards of the Hechsher Kasher LeMehadrin. Such milk doesn't get any Hechsher and it is customary to put a label on such a product saying "Chalav Nochri".

Without informing the Mashgiach, Tnuva added Chalav Nochri to kosher milk and, this way, misled the Rabbanut and the customers. The company has been selling products not meeting the standards of the Hechsher Kasher LeMehadrin. A new court decision states that with the beginning of the year 2008, Tnuva can only sell kosher milk products meeting the Hechsher standards. If not, Tnuva has to label the products containing Chalav Nochri.

Eventually I can understand the decision of haredi supermarkets not to sell any Tnuva products and I will follow suit. No more Tnuva products.
People who want real kosher dairy products, can switch to TARA which has a Hechsher from the Agudat Israel.

But not only Tnuva is facing Kashrut problems; also its competitor STRAUSS has enough problems keeping kosher. The famous chocolate pudding MILKY is supposed to contain Chalav Nochri as well.

Generally speaking, one cannot trust the LeMehadrin - Hechsher from the Rabbanut. I was confronted with quite a few situations where I saw Gentiles turning on stoves in Jewish restaurants or cafes. The Rabbanut Mashgichim neglect too many simple Kashrut Halachot and the cleanliness of a place is not being checked at all.

If you want to make sure to buy real kosher food in Israel, then buy the products with a Badatz - Hechsher, as the chassidim have extremely high Kashrut standards.

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