
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Chidush for the Neshama


According to the Sefat Emet we are getting a Chidush for our Neshamot on every Rosh HaShana.
After all our Vidui - prayers we somehow feel released and, thus, strengthen ourselves for the coming year.

Once someone asked the rabbi leading the Rosh HaShana service how one can know that G - d forgave him and inscribed him into the Book of Life. The rabbi didn't expect such a question and simply answered that we can just feel it. He said that each of us just knows deep inside.
One may agree or not, but I think that his answer to the unexpected question is right. There really is such a feeling inside of us.

Every year on Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur, I am joining the same program and every year I am asking myself why I am doing this. The program is for beginners or in other words for Jews who don't know much about their Jewish heritage. The program is run by the Yeshiva Aish HaTorah together with Jeff Seidel's Jewish Student Information Center (I once used to work for Jeff) and the Heritage House (a free Jewish hostel in Jerusalem). For more than ten years I have been participating in the program which also includes the synagogue service.

The main participants are Americans from all kinds of backgrounds: reform, conservative, orthodox, you name it. The goal is not to turn everyone into a perfect religious person, the so - called "Super Jew". Those Jews joining this program should get a taste of orthodox Judaism and learn about their heritage and identity. Even the synagogue service is being explained and Artscroll Machzorim are being handed out.

What do I have to do with a beginner service and their Shiurim ?

I simply enjoy it. Well, people ask me if it doesn't bother me going to a service where one of the rabbis jumps around and constantly announced on which page we are. He jumps and screams "page 120", in order not to loose the attention of the Kahal.

The answer is: No, it doesn't bother me but think that it is rather funny. In between (during the Repetition of the Amidah), we are going upstairs where Shiurim are being given. I have to admit that the quality of those Shiurim really depends on the participants. Last year, we had a great time with great questions but the years before were awful.

However, the program does have a hidden message besides the Chagim. A hidden message for each Neshama.

You might not consider becoming religious but there is something in your head which reminds you of your identity. Today, Jewish communities all over the world are facing one of the most destructive problems ever: Intermarriage.
As soon as Jews learn just a little more about their Jewish heritage and become curious, intermarriage is out of question. This is extremely important as the US Jewry has an intermarriage rate of 48 %.

For the New Year 5768 I wish everyone a great Chidush of her or his Neshama.

Chag Sameach, Gid Yom Tov, Shana Tova and Chatima Tova.

May all of you be inscribed in the Book of Life.

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