Neonazism in Israel is nothing new. Already two years ago, a whole nazi gang was arrested in the Tel Aviv area and anti - Semitism has been taking place in the Israeli Army Zahal for quite a while.
How can this happen, you may ask yourself. Israel is a Jewish State and such thing as anti - Semitism sounds completely out of place. A country built by many Holocaust survivors in order to ensure that future generations never again have to face a mass extermination.
Jews can be hated everywhere in the world but not in Israel. That's illogical. Who should do such a thing ?
Nothing is illogic any more, as today our daily papers are flooding us with pictures taken from self - made videos.
Who are those Neonazis in Israel ?
Non - Jewish new immigrants from Russia.
Years ago they came here with their parents in order to find a better future. Running away from Russian poverty, they thought about starting a new wealthy life in Israel. The Jewish Agency failed to check papers proofing the halachic Jewishness of a person. Furthermore, in Russia one can buy anything and it is not surprising that thousands of Russians saw their great chance of leaving the miserable country and going somewhere else.
As the US, Australia and Canada are not too easy to reach and Greencards are rare, the Russians looked for another solution and found Israel. Just take some faked papers or even nothing and claim your Jewishness. The Jewish Agency pays for the Aliyah ticket, the Israelis government provides financial help for new immigrants and that's it. It pays off going to Israel.
The result is that Israel is flooded with non - Jewish Russian immigrants. Russians are on the edge of Israeli society and being looked down on. When Israelis hear the word "Russian", they automatically think of Mafia and prostitution.
Now things are getting even worse, as the Neonazi scene is spreading.
The police in Petach Tikwa arrested eight members of a nazi gang and confiscated many videos in their homes. The gang, consisting of Russian teenagers from the age of 16 - 21, sprayed Swastikas on synagogues and terrorized the inhabitants of the town. The videos were made by the gang itself and in our dailys, we can see pictures where gang members lift up their right arms for the "Heil Hitler" greeting or beat up Yeshiva bachurim, Jewish homeless and foreign workers.
The Israelis public is shocked and people ask how this could happen at all. Don't we have a police and a famous secret service ? Why is everybody so helpless and doing nothing against a bunch of non - Jewish drunkards from Russia terrorizing Jewish neighbourhoods ?
Last week, the Jerusalem Holocaust - Museum Yad VaShem warned that Israel is one of the only countries in the world not having a law forbidding swastikas. Especially Israel which is demanding drastic laws against Neonazi activities from other countries such as Germany, Austria, England, France, etc.
The problem is well - know but Israeli politicians and even parts of the police are completely helpless. They simply don't know how to react, as we never expected such things to take place in a Jewish state. The population demands new laws against nazism in Israel and wants to get rid of those Russians. Just deport them and the problem is solved.
This might be the case but who let those Russians into the country in the first place ? Who needs non - Jewish Russians here whose only interest is receiving financial benefits from the government ? Why don't they go to Dubai where everyone is rich ?
Israel has to react and solve the problem as fast as possible. Unless we want another Hitler in our own Jewish state. This time, a Russian speaking Hitler.
(Photo from www.nana.co.il)
9.9.07 dear miriam, in the usa kids who get in trouble but were born elsewhere are just sent back, ie to their native cambodia, vietnam etc. i hope this is helpful dr chana from the usa