Hello everybody. I hope that you are all having enjoya great Sukkot holidays.
These days, I am very busy in Jerusalem because there are plenty of celebrations.
I already prepared some articles about the Simchat Beit HaShoeva parties going on here, and I will publish everything within the next few days.
The day before yesterday, for instance, we went to a highly controversial Chabad concert taking place at Rehov Channah, right next to Bar Ilan Street. Chabad had a great Simchat Beit HaShoeva concert. They had set up a huge stage in front of one of their Yeshivot (next to the synagogue of Chassidut Karlin).
The Edah HaCharedit as well as the Agudat Israel and further litvishe rabbis claimed that the concert would be immodest and put a ban on the event.
Despite the ban, we went to see it and I will write further details soon. We also went to the demonstration against the whole Chabad show where two Haredim got arrested. The majority of the participants in the demonstration were Vishnitz, Satmar and litvishe Haredim.
Afterwards we moved on to Mea Shearim and participated in the Toldot Aharon and Toldot Avraham Yitzchak parties. They were packed with people and both groups definitely know how to throw a party.
Meanwhile, certain streets in Mea Shearim have a Mechitzah and are divided into men and womens' sections. I do not really understand the reason, as everything is a little mixed up anyway and the whole area is too small for a division.
However, I got used to it and thousand other people did the same.
So far, Moadim Le'Simcha and I will let you know all the details about the Holy City.
By the way, tomorrow morning after Shacharit, the Birkat HaCohanim is taking place at the Kotel.
Tomorrow night at 8pm:
Chabad is having another Simchat Beit HaShoeva concert at the Cardo in the Jewish Quarter. I do not know if there is a ban on it as well.
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