Since I gave up my bakery job, I have much more time doing something more useful in the evenings. My former job kept me occupied almost every night until I decided to escape and do something else with my life.
On Sunday I went to a Shiur about the Rambam and his "Moreh Nevuchim". A friend of mine convinced me to participate, and as the the whole Rambam - course seems to be endless, I will be busy for the time being.
I like classes where the participants are on a higher religious intellectual level and where people are challenged to think. And there is so much to think about the Rambam's philosophies anyway. The teaching rabbi is national religious and the rationality of the Rambam seems to fit him well.
However, last night I went to a another Shiur. A different rabbi and totally different people but sometimes we need a change. In the rabbi's living room we study the prophets and are now in the middle of the "Book of Micha". When the rabbi's wife and some of his daughters walked in, he announced that they all are just returning from Kever Rachel.
Today is the Yahrzeit of our fore mother Rachel and for some days already, thousands of Jews have been traveling to Rachel's grave. Bus No. 163 is leaving every twenty minutes from the Jerusalem Central Bus Station and the ride to Kever Rachel only takes about half an hour or so. You do not have to pass a checkpoint while traveling to the grave. The Kever itself is still on Israeli territory and the Palestinian Authority of Beit Lechem only begins a few meters further.
Rachel's Grave years ago
Rachel's Grave today. Due to security reasons, the Israeli army built a wall around it.
Another friend told me that she had also been to the Kever yesterday. Due to the great demand, she was forced to wait some time in front of the grave. On one side, people walked in and a second door was used as exit. My friend told me that people just pushed each other through which did not disturb the special atmosphere of the place. But I am not sure if I just want to be pushed through somewhere.
Already next week, another event is waiting. Then we read in Parashat Chaye Sarah about the death of our fore mother Sarah. Thousands of people are going to spend this particular Shabbat Chaye Sarah in Hebron. The Ma'arat HaMachpelah will be busy.
The Ma'arat HaMachpelah in Hebron
For the past years, the Ma'arat HaMachpelah has become the reason for another dispute between Jews and Muslims. As Adam HaRishon and Chava, Avraham and Sarah, Yitzchak and Rivka and Yaakov and Lea are buried in the cave, it should be out of question to whom the cave belongs. Furthermore, Avraham bought the Ma'arah from Ephron.
However, also the Muslims claim their right to pray in the Machpelah. Avraham (they call him Ibrahim) was their forefather as well, as they stem from Ishmael. As we all know, G - d chose Yitzchak as a forefather of the Jewish nation and not his brother Ishmael and there is another discussion whether todays' Muslims are the real descendants of Ishmael.
In 1994, the Jewish extremist Baruch Goldstein shot many Muslims inside the Machpelah and caused further violence. To whom does the Ma'arat HaMachpelah belong ? Two religions claim the inheritance.
For us Jews it is a disgrace that we only have access to all the halls inside the cave on special occasions. Of course, we can go there but sometimes the Hall of Yitzchak or the Hall of Avraham are closed for us.
As far as I know, Christians do not have access at all but I might be mistaken. Avraham is regarded as the forefather of Jews and Muslims and the Christians have no real connection to him anyway.
Further details about Kever Rachel and the Ma'arat HaMachpelah:
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