The worst catastrophes in Jewish history always took place when Jews were fighting Jews. The best example is Nicholas Donin who lived during the 13th century.
Donin was Jewish but converted to Christianity. He was well known for is anti - Semitism and one day he went to the clerics and said that it is no wonder that the Jews do not convert to Christianity, as they have the Talmud. Shortly after, Talmud editions were burned publicly by the church in Paris in 1240. But not only in Paris. All over Europe the Talmud was seen as a Jewish secret coming only from evil.
As we know today, all the burnings could not stop Jews from being Jewish.
However, not only during the Middle Ages, Jews were forbidden to practice their religion openly. Also today this is taking place. Even in Jerusalem.
Sounds absurd ?
A week ago, a friend of mine participated in a tour on the Temple Mount (Har HaBait). Jews as well as Gentiles are permitted to visit the Temple Mount but there are clear differences.
First of all, a Jew cannot walk to any place on the Temple Mount. There are halachic restrictions, as we all know. At Temple times, many places were allowed to Cohanim only. Additionally, today we are in a state of Tumah (Impurity) and therefore not able to go to certain sites.
Not too many rabbis are in favour of visiting the Temple Mount at all. Those who are, are mostly from the national religious movement such as Rabbi Zephania Drori from Kiryat Shemona. Haredim usually refrain from such visits. Let alone the Edah HaCharedit.
When on of the Satmarer Rebbes, Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum, visited Jerusalem a few weeks ago, he did not visit the Kotel at all but prayed on Mount Scopus facing the Kotel.
Only with the coming of Meschiach, we will loose our impurity due to the Geulah.
But there are not only halachic differences. As soon as Israeli Jews come onto the Temple Mount, Israeli police collect their ID - cards. Jews are treated differently by the police and not only due to security reasons. Obviously, ID - cards are being checked in order to make sure that no Jewish extremist is among the visitors.
Second step:
A Jew is forbidden to pray on the Temple Mount.
And praying also means moving one's lips. If the police catch you moving your lips and whispering a prayer, you are removed immediately. During the whole visit, Israeli police is watching Jewish lips.
A paradox ?
Jewish policemen do not allow Jews to pray.
One could argue that these restrictions are only because no one wants to provoke the Muslim Temple guards, the Wakf. However, does this justify Israeli policemen forbid other Jews to pray ? My friend told me that the police was very keen on watching the Jewish visitors.
The Muslims seem to understand more about the Jewish religion than the policemen themselves. They know exactly that a Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount theoretically could bring Meschiach. Theoretically.
In what times do we live nowadays when Jews forbid Jews to pray ?
It really seems like the Vilna Gaon was so right when he stated that in the times before Meschiach, most of the Jews will belong to the Erev Rav. The Erev Rav were Egyptian converts who converted because of selfish reasons to Judaism and left Egypt together with Moshe and the Israelites. G - d did not even want the Erev Rav out but Moshe insisted.
As we know too well, the Erev Rav always cause problems to the Jewish people (e.g. Golden Calf). The Vilna Gaon divided the Erev Rav into five groups and especially in kabbalistic literature, the Neshamot of the Erev Rav are of extreme importance.
Of course, today we are unable to tell who belongs to the Erev Rav and who does not. Nevertheless, certain signs are very obvious, and I would really like to know how those Israeli policemen justify themselves before G -d.
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