
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"Parallel Universes" in Judaism


Who does not remember the popular series "Sliders" where some youngsters were traveling through different dimensions and parallel universes. I enjoyed watching "Sliders" very much and who of us does not sometimes dream about traveling through space or universes. If the "Sliders" - theory was correct, each of us would have his exact counterpart in a different universe. Imagine that you might exist several times. Each of your personality in another universe. Here you are rich and have a good job, there you are Mr President and somewhere else you are a mass murderer (G - d forbid).

Mankind has been and still is always curious and as soon as we watch a Science Fiction movie our imagination is running away. Wouldn't it be great to travel to another universe and meet our counterpart ? Our second personality looking exactly like me.

In Judaism, science and Torah go hand in hand and many rabbis were also famous mathematicians (Vilna Gaon), physicians, astronomers, etc. Just look at the Rambam and the Ramban. Orthodox Jews have not problem whatsoever with scientific facts or knowledge. On the contrary, as everything, including the Creation of the World, just shows G - d's greatness and uniqueness.

There is a video on Youtube explaining the universe and at the end, other galaxies are being shown. Only by just looking at the pictures, one is aware that there is a perfect creator of all this; namely G - d Himself.

Today there are even scientific orthodox websites available:

Our universe is infinite and why should there be no such things as parallel universes ? And why should we not have a twin somewhere else ? In case everything did exist and you decided to visit your second personality, your mission would be doomed to fail. According to the science magazine "Scientific American (May 2003), other universes are simply too far away and it is impossible to reach them during our life time.

Scientists regard parallel universes as possible but Judaism does not even consider such an idea. G - d does not "travel" from universe to universe in order to give people the Torah. There is only one unique Torah. Our planet is unique and so is each of us. Just look at your DNA.

Jewish scientists do not speculate. The universe is infinite but nothing was created as we are. The Kabbalah confirms this opinion. Each soul (neshama) was created individually and it is out of question that someone else being also me could have the same Neshama as I do. People usually do not share Neshamot (I am leaving out the reincarnation subject here). It is only the owner of that particular soul who can elevate his Neshama by keeping Torah Mitzwot.

On the other hand, there exist a theory in Kabbalah about G - d's spiritual worlds. Such spiritual worlds do not physically exist but only do so in our minds. It is said about Adam HaRishon that right after his creation, he contained all the souls of all the spiritual worlds. As soon as he sinned, most higher Neshamot left his body.

The kabbalistic book "Sefer HaBrit" mentions a planet called "Meroz". According to some opinions, there are people living on Meroz. (Do not imagine tiny green aliens now!!!)

"Sefer HaBrit" continues that even thou people existed on Meroz, they would not have a free will as we have. They were simply puppets of their creator (G - d). However, other sources on Talmud Moed Katan 16a and Shevuot 36a claim that Meroz is a people, a man or a constellation.

Honestly, I am not too keen on meeting my second, third or whatever personality. What would I gain from this and I don't think that I would be too happy afterwards. It is already enough to know that after I die, I am being confronted with my "perfect" personality. This perfect counterpart is going to show me how much potential I had and what I lost by not using it. Therefore, we should rather concentrate on our lives in this world. Although, sometimes, I do like to dream and travel through space. At least while watching "Star Wars" or "Star Trek".


  1. The question is HOW to use this tremendous potentiality that is in us. Who/what is to guide us?

  2. sefer HaBrit was written by hand by Moses. Ex0dus 24.
    Which Sefer HaBrit are you referring to?

  3. B"H

    I am referring to

    SEFER HA'BRIT by Rabbi Pinchas Eliyahu Horowitz from Vilna / 18th century.
