
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Recipe for Sufganiot (Doughnuts)


Chanukkah is right around the corner and Jews all over the world start baking or already have been eating the famous Chanukkah sufganiot (doughnuts).

Jerusalem has been full of them for a few weeks already. You can buy them anywhere and for any price. If you are looking for the cheapest, go to the Machane Yehudah Market in the evening. Some stands sell them only for 1 Shekel.

Here is a great recipe from our bakery:

1 kg flour (also whole wheat)

3/4 cup sugar

1 teaspoon salt

2 eggs

2 tablespoons cognac

1/2 cup olive oil

60g yeast

That's all. You can bake the sufganiot for 20 minutes in a regular oven. The heat should be 160 degrees.

However, most people fry their sufganiot in a big frying pan or pot. Just fill either of them up with olive oil. The sufganiot should be covered by the olive oil.

Afterwards put in the filling: jam, date cream, honey, chocolate, etc. Additionally you can cover them on top with sugar, honey or olive oil.

We are very fortune to have the Internet and can thus look up all kinds of recipes. I still remember when I was in Germany some eight or nine years ago, no sufganiot were available at all. In my Bavarian home town you just did not find any kosher store let alone a bakery. When I volunteered preparing sufganiot for a children's party in the Jewish community, I had to look up a recipe coming from Australia. I think it was from Chabad.

Because there was no kosher food in Fuerth – Bavaria, I had to get it from Australia. Fuerth is still the same and maybe some people from there read this as well and prepare kosher sufganiot for the community.

Hope, you enjoy baking and the most important thing; enjoy eating.

1 comment:

  1. but enjoy eating ,not exaggerate....
    come and try ribat chalav sophganiot
