
Friday, November 16, 2007

Where are the Rebbes ?


What can I say ? It is rather boring in Mea Shearim and other chassidic areas at the moment. There are hardly any Tishes, and Jews in New York probably have a better chance of finding a great Tish.

The Rebbes of Dushinsky, Toldot Aharon and Avraham Yitzchak are gone until Chanukkah. I just saw a picture of the Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe, Rabbi Yaakov Shmuel Kahn, in a haredi paper. He is in New York.

Tonight for Maariv I am going to Karlin and that is about it. Karlin might even have a Tish afterwards. Some people told me that they have a Tish after every Rosh Chodesh but others claimed that the Tish is on the Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh.
We will see.

Within the past few weeks, I tried to find out more details about the Edah HaCharedit. It is not so easy, especially when one is a woman.
What we do have in Jerusalem is the Jewish National Library at the Hebrew University part in Givat Ram. The Olam Gershom Sholem has one of the best Kabbalah and Chassidut sections. However, when I ask about books, writings or papers from or about the Edah, the clerks either look at me as if I am nuts or they just do not have anything.

It seems like no one is really used to people inquiring about an institution like the Edah HaCharedit, and many even let me know that I should rather care about Zionist movements instead. Or at least the Agudat Israel.
I find this kind of behaviour quite strange, as also something like the Edah is part of our society. Well, maybe I should not say this because the Edah wants anything but not being identified with the Israeli society.

The good thing is that even the "Zionist" National Library has the Edah newspaper "HaEdah". Unfortunately, Mea Shearim does not make too much public relations for itself. It would be of great advantage if also other Edah groups were putting some information on the net. Besides the Neturei Karta and their contexts, no one really can follow.

Here a little taste:

Mea Shearim Street

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