
Sunday, January 20, 2008

שבת חתן בקרלין - סטולין


The followers of the Vilna Gaon as well as others fighting chassidic ideas and the new Baal Shem Tov - movement claimed that Chassidim pray as if they were drunk. They are shaking to all sides and scream their prayers out loud. In other words: madmen.

The false claim of the opponents of the chassidic movement unfortunately still do exist sometimes. Last Shabbat, I witnessed the ecstatic prayers and screams but didn't get the impression that the Chassidim were necessarily drunk. Just the opposite, they prayed to G - d in a manner, many Litvaks can learn from. Their prayer is not standing around and thinking too much but instead the chassidic prayer comes from the heart.

My original plan was joining the Maariv prayer of a certain chassidic group in order to find out when one of their most important rabbis has his meeting hours. He receives men and women alike and I am planning to go there and ask him a halachic question.

As soon as I got to their synagogue in Mea Shearim, I found out that no women prayer's are taking place that day. I walked through the Mea Shearim market and stood in front of the Neturei Karta synagogue. However, I felt like something really joyful and decided to go to Karlin - Stolin. The Karlin synagogue is not too far away and one can hear from a far distance the enthusiastic singing of the Chassidim.

When I entered the Ezrat Nashim, I was the only woman. Downstairs were about 200 men including children praying with the greatest enthusiasm I have ever faced. Shaking and screaming, as the Litvaks would say. Actually there were some Litvaks but they stood silently and watched the "chassidic show".

By the way, I decided to go alone to the synagogue and I am continuing going by myself to all Tishes and synagogues.

After a short while, a young woman from Karlin walked in and we said "Shabbes" to each other.

Do you know the feeling when you meet a stranger and you immediately feel connected ? You know that this is the person to talk to and have a great conversion with. As soon as I saw the woman, this was the case.

Karlin - Stolin has the custom (as well as other groups too) to hand out little present to the children after the service. The boys gathered in front of the Aron HaKodesh and were given plastic bags with a toy inside.

I was about to leave when the woman came up to me. We started a great discussion and she told me that she was born into Karlin and is originally from New York. Karlin - Stolin has no special customs for Tu Be'Shevat. Only the usual fruit Seder.

The Rebbe lives in an outskirt called Givat Zeev and only comes to Jerusalem from time to time. "We only know the week before that a Tish is taking place in Jerusalem", the young woman said. It is hard to tell exact times, as sometimes he comes once a month and sometimes only every second month.

Grand Rabbi Baruch Yaakov Meir Shochet of Karlin-Stolin

I told her that I am writing about chassidic groups and customs on the Internet and she asked me for the site address.

When I told her that I am planning to go to Satmar, she invited me back to Karlin for the following morning.
Actually I did go back on the following day. The service on the night before had really impressed me and I wanted to see it again. So I went back and found a great place behind the glass Mechitzah. The Ezrat Nashim was totally crowded in the morning and I have to say that the people were very friendly.

I was also lucky as they had a Shabbat Chatan. The Chatan (future groom) got a special "Aufruf" to the Torah while all the boys gathered around the Bimah. Then it happened. The women opened a window and threw countless sweets down to the boys. They on the other hand, anxiously picked up all the sweets.

But also the girls upstairs got their little sweets' package and a little girl standing next to me just bit into the plastic bag. Without knowing that she had to open the bag first.

The service was over and I said "Gutt Shabbes" to a few women. An elderly lady who seemed to have a high position or at least had something to say, came up to me and invited me to the special Shabbat Chatan Kiddush. It turned out that I was the only outsider participating in this Kiddush. I even met the American woman from the night before.

The women made Kiddush by themselves and then I got a plate with a huge piece of Kugel (noodle pastry) and two slices of pickles. There was a huge variety of different cakes and I really had to behave myself not to finish everything.

Karlin - Stolin has no Kiddush every Shabbat and this time, it only took place due to Shabbat Chatan.

I have to say that I had a great prayer service and met very friendly and warm people.

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