
Sunday, January 13, 2008

I am Satmar


It was last Simchat Torah when I was on my way home from Rabbi Mordechai Machlise's house. I walked through the Shivtei Israel Street and as everyone knows, this street leads into Mea Shearim as well. Right at the crossing of Mea Shearim Street and Shivtei Israel, you can find the Toldot Aharon synagogue together with the backyards where the members of the group live.

When I passed the synagogue, I heard the beautiful niggunim outside and spontaneously decided to go to the Tish. First I tried the Ezrat Nashim right at the street where two Satmarer ladies already shook the door. Locked !!!

I asked the ladies if it was locked and if so, there is another Ezrat Nashim at the backside of the building. The two Satmarer ladies were Americans and answered me rather unfriendly in English with a heavy Yiddish accent. Especially the American Satmarer very much emphasize on not using Lashon HaKoidesh (Hebrew) in their daily lives but only during prayer. This will only change when the Meshiach arrives.

The Satmarer ladies and I went around the synagogue and got to a crowded little place right before the stairs leading into the synagogue. The place looked like a parking lot for baby carriages. At least 30 parking places were occupied. The Toldot Aharon women themselves had lined up on the stairs. On top stood a rather heavy woman and I saw from far away that she must be some kind of a bouncer.

The Satmarers were upset because they had to line up as everyone else. They probably thought that if they support Toldot Aharon financially, they might have certain rights. But nothing. Just the same as me.

Finally we were standing in front of the bouncer woman. First she looked at the Satmarer and investigated in Yiddish. It really looked like the Satmarer wouldn't make it inside and they, on the other hand, got really wild. First waiting and then being refused. The older of the two ladies got fed up and shouted:
"I am Satmar".

The bouncer was shocked and moved backwards.

"Oh", she said and opened the door.

The Satmarer disappeared inside and it was my turn.
The bouncer looked at me and investigated who I am. I thought that saying "I am Satmar" must be some kind of a secret password and I intended using it. But then I behaved myself and didn't. The bouncer was very friendly and tried to explain that today's Tish is for Toldot Aharon members only. I can come back any time and shouldn't be offended. Then suddenly she lifted up her two arms and started praying. Soon the Meshiach is going to come and we (all the Jews) will be united. I looked at her and didn't know what to say. Actually I thought that this must be a dream. A little shocked I only nodded: "Be' Ezrat HaShem – With the help of G – d". The bouncer stopped and wished me "Chag Sameach – Gid Yom Tov".
The Toldot Aharon women standing behind me on the stairs couldn't stop starring at the bouncer. Maybe Mrs. Bouncer got too overwhelmed and now she had to face some surprised looks. I already thought that the Toldot Aharon women might burst out with laughter.

I climbed down the stairs and was angry about myself because I hadn't used the password "I am Satmar".
Now, I first have to wait for the Meshiach to come until I can go to Toldot Aharon Tish on Simchat Torah.


  1. shalom
    im a Bnei Noach, NOT XTIAN, do u think that a Bnei Noach is welcome in a Satmar Shul?

  2. B"H

    Very good question but honestly, I have no idea.

    I would strongly recommend that you ask someone before you enter.

    Look for someone nice and then you might have a chance.:-)

  3. i think it might be almost impossible. i am in the process of converting to judaism myself, and can't enter, i don't think if you don't belong to a chosidish sect it's easy to be part of the team... good luck if you ever try

  4. B"H

    Actually Satmar accepts many Jews from the outside. Only once you are Jewish they might accept you. Another issue is that you cannot join a chassidic groups as a single woman. Either you get a Shidduch right away or your spouse also wants to join.
