
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Yad Le'Achim's latest warnings


The Israeli anti - missionary organization Yad Le' Achim about its latest cases:

The Jewish Agency and its Evangelist on the board

On Muslim missionaries


  1. Miriam

    Drei fragen far dir:

    1 Why don't you send a male friend to go alone to the mishkenois haroim shul ? Obviously, it wouldn't be appropriate if you went, but if he went perhaps he would be allowed in, and the he could 'report' back.

    2 Are there any hassiduts in your experience that are respected, admired, and well-spoken of by other hassiduts ?

    3 Which hassidut in your experience is the most 'extreme' with regard to the following criteria:

    (a) being machmir (extra strict) with regard to halakhot

    (b) observance of minhagim

    (c) trying to prevent the influence of any element(s) that are considered not Jewish

    Keep up the fascinating work.

    Kul tuv und zai gezunt

  2. B"H

    Hi Yitz,

    I have to admit that I am a dictator. I don't send other people somewhere because I want to go on my own. No one else is realizing certain details and I have to ask the questions myself.

    Eventually I will get into the Mishkenot HaRoim. Lately, I havent't really tried anything.

    Well respected Chassidut by others ?

    Many groups see Chabad as a good thing to bring Jews back to religion. But nothing further. Once they found their roots, they should go to another real group.

    The Toldot Aharon are very respected among the Edah members. Not among the Agudah members.

    The Agudah members respect each other but also gossip a lot about each other.:-)

    Basically most groups only see themselves as perfect.:-)

    The most strictest ?
    Actually I am preparing a longer article on this regarding the Takanot of Toldot Aharon.

    Strict in all ways of Halachot are most of the groups. Very much the Edah and its members.

    In Minhagim I would say Toldot Aharon. Toldot Avraham Yitzchak much less and I will explain the reason in the article. There is a severe difference between the two which is also the reason why they split.

    No influnece from the outside ?
    Definitely Toldot Aharon and Satmar. But also Dushinsky.

    As I said to this subject I am preparing a longer and detailed article. By the way, Satmar and Gur have their own Takanot.
    A Gerer Chassid however told me that the Gerer don't sign the Takanot as, for example, Toldot Aharon. The Gerer would just read them and that is enough.

    I will put in the article as soon as possible.

