
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Against Christian Missionaries


At the beginning of this week, I participated in a Shiur about Christian missionaries in Israel. The Shiur took place at the Jerusalem Israel Center (Orthodox Union) and wasn't actually too much of a Shiur but more an introduction to the anti - missionary work of "Jews for Judaism". They just opened a branch in Jerusalem but as far as I understood, they are still looking for an office.

Israel already has a more or less sufficient anti - missionary organization called "Yad Le'Achim". They have plenty of volunteers and are run by Litvaks (Head Rabbi Dov Lipshitz) in Bnei Brak. Yad Le' Achim has many contacts all over the country and they receive many daily phone calls from Israelis complaining about Christian missionary activities.

"Jews for Judaism" however announced at their lecture that they first want to stress on giving anti - missionary seminars. Every Jew should know his own religion and appreciate it. There is nothing better than finding the spirituality within Judaism and not, instead, running to another religion. Secular Jews have to learn that Judaism doesn’t only consist of Mea Shearim and weird ancient Halachot but that it stands for a living Thora and endless spirituality.

Nevertheless, I have to say that the "Jews for Judaism" introduction run by Peninah Taylor and Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz (from LA) was too American. Well, what can you expect when you go to the American Israel Center ?

However, I seemed to be more a fundraising show. Okay, Peninah Taylor started off with telling her personal story how she as a born Jews met a classmate at high school and, thus was missionized to Christianity. She talked about how she got married to a non - Jew, went to church, joined the Adventists, left them and was finally sent to a haredi neighbourhood in Baltimore in order to missionize the Jews. Eventually she and her husband told the local rabbi and he introduced them to "Jews for Judaism". Peninah came back to orthodox Judaism, her husband converted to Judaism and both made Aliyah to Israel some time ago. Now she will be the new head of the Jerusalem branch of Jews for Judaism.

There were some things bothering me during the lecture.
As I said, it was too American and Rabbi Kravitz really liked to hear himself talking. It is always strange to Israelis like me when someone from abroad comes and talks about Israel. Yad Le'Achim is much better, as their members and heads are mostly Israelis. This let me come to the next point bothering me. The event totally left out the current Israeli missionary problem. Okay, Jews for Judaism mentioned that there are countless American missionaries on the way to Israel, but the information missing were facts and figures. What is really going on at the moment ? Where are the missionaries located and what exactly do they do ? Where ? Places ? Names ? Something like this.

It showed me that it will take "Jews for Judaism" some time to get started, and what they should consider as their priority is recruiting Israelis speaking Hebrew.

Another point bothering me is a question, I was actually planning to address at Peninah Taylor. Eventually I didn't because I didn't want to see her faint.

My question was how ex - missionaries who are Jewish can deal with the fact that while they were missionizing, they might have caused Jews to do idol worship and convert to Christianity.

The Jewish missionary might come back to Judaism but what about the missioned ones ? Is he going to apologize to them ? Can G - d forgive such an Averah ? Is there forgiveness at all when you consider the Rambam in Hilchot Teshuva ?
I am not a rabbi and I don't have a halachic answer to this but as Peninah Taylor seems to be at the Israel Center more often, I still might ask her how she deals with the fact. In case, she really did cause Jews to do idol worship.

Tonight will be another event taking place at the Center in Keren HaYesod 22, Jerusalem.

At 8:00 pm, the lecture "Christian Zionism - Christian Evangelism" is going to take place.

Entrance fee is 25 IS, students pay 10 IS and journalists have free access.

Pictures from the "Jews for Judaism" event:

Peninah Taylor (left) and Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz (right)

The Crowd listening

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