
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

No more Secrets


At one of the Tishes, I discussed different issues with a woman from the extreme chassidic Mea Shearim group Toldot Aharon. Basically we spoke about different chassidic groups but somewhere in between I mentioned that I could not enter the Toldot Aharon synagogue on Simchat Torah. When I arrived, countless women had already lined up in front of the entrance door and, as there wasn't even enough space for the female group members, I was told to come back another time. Never mind.

I didn't take it too seriously and perfectly understood the situation. However, when I spoke to that woman the other Tish night, she just thought the opposite. She couldn't stop apologizing anymore and I kept on telling her that everything is fine. Nothing had happened and I wasn't offended at all.
"No, no, no, she said, don't think we are like that. But we simply don't have enough space for all our members on Simchat Torah. Even us (the members) have to line up or arrive to the prayer service in shifts."

A second woman interfered and told me the same. I just kept on saying that it wasn't such an important issue to me.

But I also mentioned that I didn't miss too much. Because even if I didn't go to the Mea Shearim synagogues during Chol HaMoed Sukkot, I was able to see parts of the celebrations on "Youtube". Nowadays, everything is on the Internet anyway.

The woman had not expected at all this kind of remark. She just couldn't believe what I was telling her.
"Everything on the Internet ?"

"Yes, of course, I continued, what do you think. Many chassidic groups and even Kiryat Yoel (Satmar with Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum) have websites. And if not, group members or outsiders write about the groups."

The Toldot Aharon woman was speechless.
"Apparently we cannot keep any secret anymore", she said very disappointed.

I tried explaining to her that there are actually no real Toldot Aharon secrets on the net. What does it mean at all ? Secret ?
People write about the Toldot Aharon customs, rabbis, history or dresses. This is not a secret, as it is so easy accessing the writings of the Toldot Aharon Rebbes including those of Rabbi Daniel Frisch at the Jewish National Library. Study the writings and then you are already able to understand many group concepts.
And almost all chassidic groups have videos on Youtube. From Kretchnif, to Bobov, to Belz or Lelov, and even Satmar. Let alone Chabad and Breslov. So what ?

Another point I made while talking to her was that people are interested in what is going on in the chassidic world.

"Who could be interested ?", she asked.

"All kinds of people, I responded. Let's take the Chassidim from Boro Park, Williamsburgh, London or Antwerp. Maybe they don't have the opportunity to come to Jerusalem but still would like to know what is going on in the Holy City. So, why not watch videos of the different rebbes on the Internet ?"

The woman was still reluctant.

"But I don't go to New York and when I don't go, I don't know what is happening in Boro Park. And I don't feel that I have to know it."

The whole time, I was busy explaining her the reasons and that she shouldn't fear that anyone publishes any insider secrets. I am almost sure that the Toldot Aharon members don't use the net too much and even if, they wouldn't publish the real internal group secrets.

"That's the way everybody does it today, I told her. And Chassidim in New York are also interested in knowing about the Tishes in Jerusalem or watching a video of the Toldot Aharon Rebbe and many other Rebbes as well."

When the Tish was over, I could see that the woman was still full of doubts. However, the reasons I gave her made her think.


  1. Excellent article! It made me once more reflect on how other people think, and made me smile as well. It is true that the Internet takes away a lot of the mystery, in many fields. Information is shared globally, and actually very fast. Yet I guess some things can't be experienced by watching Youtube, and that's were your blog comes in: it gives more info. To fully experience Chassidic living though, I think one still has to live in a community. But by watching and reading on the Internet, the people that are attracted to the Chassidic world or interested in this lifestyle and beliefs, can at least get a first view and comprehension of things. Of course a lot of the info from less reputable websites has to be taken with a grain of salt, but still, I'm happy that we have Internet these days.

    You really are a very gifted writer, I like your style, you definitely should think about publishing a book.

    the Belgian

  2. B"H


    I am sure that the Toldot Aharon woman expected anything but not being told that everything appears on the Internet.

    Unfortunately, and especially closed chassidic groups think that the Internet always stands for something negative. Well, it depends on how you use it.
    It was hard to explain her and also other Mea Shearim inhabitants that there are also positive sides.

    However, they cannot really imagine why someone should be interested in them if not only in gossip.

    So far, I have had many responses from Jews and Gentiles being fascinated by the chassidic world. Reality is that especially non - Jews hardly have a real chance to experience real Chassidut. At least the groups I know accept only Jews for meals, visits and classes. Only Jews for different reasons.

    I agree that someone has to be part of chassidic society in order to know what is going on.
    But other websites concentrate too much on the facts such as history or great rabbis. I do that as well but people should also know about the daily life and some other aspects in Chassidut.
    On the other hand, I am always warning people not to get too excited about chassidic society. Many people see their clothes, synagogues, etc. and are so fascinated that they forget about reality. And reality is that the Chassidim themselves are also normal human beings with their pros and cons and have an ordinary daily life.

    Book ?
    I am planning onw but never find the time dooing something.:-) But thanks a lot for the compliment.:-)))

  3. As always reading your blog is a pleasure. Perhaps now you have planted a seed of interest to the TA woman. I am not sure if they will ever go "net" but maybe that is not a bad thing. The woman that I have seen appear to be "simply contented" with their life, as if there is nothing lacking. I do not know how to describe it, but I think it might be nice to have it, however, as I am an "outsider" I know it is not possible, rather, I shall enjoy reading your blogs, and when I a get the opportunity I will enjoy the atmosphere of the tishes. Keep writing, and I agree, you need to do a book--I want to buy the first copy!!

  4. B"H

    I might have planted a thought into the particular woman I spoke to but not into the TA masses.:-)))
    I am sure that they are happy where they are and what they have.

    But hopefully people don't faint all the time when I tell them that I write on the Internet.

    Though, many times it is just the opposite. Other Chassidim are eager to appear on the Internet or are excited about me writing. The later case I experienced with a woman from Karlin - Stolin. She even asked for my site - address.

    In order to find the time writing a book, I need a 50 hour day.:-)
