The weather in Jerusalem is just perfect. Sunny and warm.
But realistically speaking, the weather is anything but perfect, as we are still waiting for more rain to come. Unfortunately, the raining period seems to be over.
Israel always suffers from the same problem; we haven't had enough rain for many years and the See of Galilee (Kinneret) is loosing its water. Land which used to be under water are now beaches and dried out. If it doesn't rain more soon, we are going to face serious problems.
Israel is the only country in the world belonging to G - d, and it says that if we keep the Mitzwot, He will protect the country. However, in the "Shema Israel - prayer" we do pray for rain. Hopefully the situation will change soon and it will rain more.
This Shabbat is going to be as usual:
Maariv at Karlin - Stolin, Shabbat meal at the Machlises and chassidic Tishes.
Last night, Israel changed the time to daily saving and therefore, Shabbat starts an hour later tonight. If you are planning to go to the Tishes of Toldot Aharon or Avraham Yitzchak, take into consideration that those places don't change their clocks and start as usual - as usual if you consider the time during the winter. According to our time it will be at about 11pm. Belz will change their Tish time from 9pm to 11pm.
Shabbat Shalom - Gut Shabbes - שבת שלום ומבורח
The Belzer Synagogue by night (Jerusalem)
Inside the synagogue
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