
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Purim Sameach - פורים שמח


"Purim Sameach - A Freilichen Purim and Happy Purim"
to all my readers.

Due to "Purim Meshulash - Tripled Purim" in Jerusalem, I won't be writing too much until next Monday.

Tonight the Purim - Festival is going to start and in order to hear the Megillat Esther (Book of Esther), I am going with a friend in one of the Mea Shearim Synagogues. Hopefully we are able to see something or at least hear the words of the Megillah.

Purim in the Mea Shearim - Ge'ulah neighbourhood is always wild. Far too wild, as everybody is drunk and screaming around.
Some time ago, there was a regular decree in those neighbourhoods, and I am not sure if this is still valid. However, the Rabbis used to tell the women to go and hear the Megillah and right after return home and not to leave the house on Purim night. Wild drunk men might be around and get overcome by their Yetzer HaRah. Who says women are not overcome by their Yetzer HaRah ?

Anyway, my friend and I will have a look around and hopefully see something interesting and spiritual. And we try as hard as we can to stay away from all those Yetzers.

Whoever is still looking for a Megillah - place in Jerusalem:

Chabad's Tzemach Zedek Synagogue is offering the Megillah reading at 6.15pm (tonight). Light refreshments and some Hamantaschen will be served. According to my experience, not much is going o in the Old City tonight. Either go into the new city or to Mea Shearim where all the parties are.

Another place for the Megillah is the Kol Rina Synagogue in Nachlaot, Beer Sheva Street.
Kol Rina is Carlebach - Style and whoever likes such things, will be the right place. Kol Rina also organizes a Purim - Party this Mozzaei Shabbat !!!

Rabbi Mordechai Machlis has a Megillah reading at the Kotel (Western Wall). Friday morning 8:00 o'clock. He is also having a Purim - Party next Sunday, 3.00pm (in his house).

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