
Monday, April 21, 2008

A brief way of saying "Hello"


One thing for sure: In Israel we are having a "hot" Pessach. Weather is far too hot but people are using it for trips all over the country. Especially the beaches are packed.

My Seder was chassidic and, as expected, I ate far too much.
There is not too much going on in Mea Shearim during the Pessach holiday. The only exception might be tomorrow (Tuesday) with a huge demonstration against the "Law of selling Chametz during Pessach". The government considers to change the law and might permit the selling of Chametz during Pessach throughout Israel.

The demonstration against the changing of the law is going to take place:

1. At Kikar Shabbat.

2. Time: Tomorrow - Tuesday - Chol HaMoed, at 5pm

I assume that there will be thousands of men but hardly any women and if there are women like me, we are going to find ourselves behind an ugly Mechitzah (separation).

Reading the Fakshivilim on the Mea Shearim walls is more than interesting these days, and I can only recommend a walk through Mea Shearim Street.
The Neturei Karta has something to say about the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel ("The Zionists and their impure State"). Furthermore, the Neturei Karta is having a two days congress at their Synagogue "Torah ve'Yirah". It wasn't really clear to me when exactly, as they were giving different times. European and Israeli time but everything was too confusing although I would really like to go.

Another poster has a different message:
"Don't bring the following papers into your pure home: HaModiah, Yeter Ne'eman or Mishpacha". A few more were listed but, as you surely notice, all of them are litvishe newspapers or magazines. So don't bring the "impurity" into your home when you cleaned for Pessach.

Another interesting poster called parents to carefully choose a travel agency. Many Yeshivot go on trips in spring and, unfortunately, impure travel agencies take the Bachurim to mixed beaches were their Yetzer is aroused. So consult your rabbi before going to a travel agency.

It always surprises me anew reading this kind of messages on the Mea Shearim walls. You couldn't make up such stories. Even someone writing a book would never ever think of such issues. You have to go their and read it yourself.:-)

Have a great Pessach - Moadim Le'Simcha !!!!!!

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