
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Who wants the "Falash Mura" ?


For quite a couple of years, the "Falash Mura" have been mentioned in the Israeli press. Although no one definitely knows what do to with them, the members of the Falash Mura know how to get attention.

Especially at the time of Pessach, the history of the Falash Mura is easy to explain. When Moshe and the Jews left Egypt, thousands of Jews remained in the country of Paraoh. There were different reasons for their decision and later on, they moved to Sudan or Ethiopia.

In our times the subject of the so - called "Lost Tribes" came up again although most people misuse the whole subject for their own purposes. So do the Indians and many from Peru. They come to Israel and claim to be Jewish but Israel however sees itself confronted with people from Third World countries whose only goal is to look for a better life. There is nothing Jewish about the Indians and others. Haredim and Israeli society as a whole consider the Indian "Jews" as something alien but not as Jewish. The same is going to happen to the Falash Mura. Although probably once Jewish, the members of the Falash Mura are those who later on converted to Christianity. Today they mainly live in Ethiopia and don't see the point why they shouldn't be allowed to make Aliyah to Israel. The Israeli government and other officials however stated that Aliyah is only for Jews and not for those who converted to Christianity. Those should rather immigrate to the Vatican. Why should Israel accept such people ?

But it is not only a religious matter what causes the government to refuse the Falash Mura. Reality speaks a clear language. The thousands of Ethiopian Jews who have been coming here were hardly able to adjust to Israeli society. Most of them are illiterate and thus have no chance of learning Hebrew. Tribes still rule Ethiopian society and many times, the women are beaten by their husbands. Violence in the family, crime and language difficulties are only a few examples of Ethiopian society problems. When they first came to Israel, the Israeli population tried to help as much as they could. But soon, the integration problems became obvious. Israel is a high tech country with a modern society and the Ethiopians were not used to such standards. Instead they ended up in ghettos because Israelis look down on them and don't want them in their neighbourhood. Racism began and exists until today. If not worse than ever before.

Many times we read in the press about schools refusing Ethiopian children and the latest case happened in the Negev town of Beer Sheva where Ethiopian women were not allowed to enter a Mikweh (ritual bath) until the white population was done.
Many Ethiopians gave up on society and see themselves rejected by Israelis More and more teenagers start a crime career because they see their Israeli counterparts. Skateboards, computers, expensive clothes - and they cannot accept why they shouldn't be able to have the same chances. Only because their parents are illiterate and unemployed ? Many youngsters break into houses or sell drugs in order to make a living and this behaviour upsets Israelis even more.

However, despite all the difficulties, the Ethiopian is very proud of one thing; to be Jewish and to practice Judaism.
The only problem is that many couples consist of mixed marriages, as already in Ethiopia, Jews married Christians. And today you have to be careful because many of their children are not Jewish according to Halacha.

And now, a new danger seems to appear.
The government is considering to accept the Falash Mura for Aliyah. The Jewish Ethiopian community is going wild. They face enough society problems and in case the Falash Mura were making Aliyah, thousands of Christians would infiltrate into Ethiopian society. According to Ethiopian rabbis, the Falash Mura only have one goal which is missionizing Ethiopian Jews in Israel. And Israelis society will get mad as soon as they hear that Christians are exploiting the Aliyah rights. Why should the Israeli tax payer support Ethiopian Christians ?

Officially it is estimated that there are still 7000 Falash Mura in Ethiopia and they are all ready to make Aliyah. Come to a Western country and have a good live. Other sources, however, estimate the Falash Mura of about 10,000 members. No one knows the exact figures. And the Jewish Ethiopians in Israel have already announced that they will not accept the Falash Mura and regard them as outlaws. Not only them but also Israeli society doesn't want them in the country. Realistically speaking this new immigration will cause further ghettos and crime. Let alone a missionizing problem. The Falash Mura might be allowed to make Alyah but as soon as they arrive, they are and will remain outsiders in Israeli society.

Sooner or later Israel is going to regret the decision letting the Falash Mura make Aliyah and already today, no one really knows what to do with them.

1 comment:

  1. The Falash Mura present a real danger to Israeli society--but this government will most likely follow their past path and allow them in. Israel is slowly being destroyed from within, and this is truly disturbing. Thanks for bringing real problems to the forefront--if only more people were aware of what is happening!
