"Yehi Adoneinu Moreinu veRabbeinu – Melech HaMeshiach – LeOlam vaEd".
Using this kind of slogan doesn't mean that I agree to it. On the contrary, I think the expression is terrible.
Nowadays "Yehi Adoneinu…." is constantly being used by those Chabadnikkim who believe that the last Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson (passed away in June 1994) was the Meshiach; or in other words – the Meshichistim.
The sentence "Yehi Adoneinu …." has become part of the Meshichist prayer service a long time ago. And don't even dare to claim that the Rebbe wasn't the Meshiach if a Messianic Chabadnik is around. Even the former house of Rebbe Schneerson in New York – Crown Heights – Eastern Parkway 770 (called "770" in the short version") has been a place of controversies. Officially the regular (those who do not think that the Rebbe was the Meshiach) rule the place. However, reality is that the Meshichistim have taken over the Rebbe's house in 770. They decide who is allowed in and who should rather stay outside. Fights between the two groups are nothing uncommon anymore. The Israeli "Kfar Chabad" near Rishon LeZion is much more moderate and both groups live together without making a big fuss.
Personally I know quite a few Chabadnikkim and most of them are not Messianic. But why am I writing about the Meshichistim ? Only in order to spread further gossip ?
Not at all. For some years I used to study with Chabad and during that time, and most of the time it was a pleasure being with them and I learned a lot.
I do write this article due to another reason.
Those of you who enter Tel Aviv and pass Kibbutz Galuyiot will definitely see it. It is hard to overlook anyway: the gigantic poster of Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson to the right. On the poster he smiles at all of us and underneath it says: "Meshiach ose Nissim veNifla'ot – Meshiach does miracles and great deeds".
I don't know what Chabad exactly means by this but neither in the Tanach nor in further rabbinic literature is stated that the Meshiach is going to do miracles. Only G – d Himself is in charge of miracles and no human being could ever reach a miracle level. G – d is NOT the Meshiach and the Meshiach is NOT G – d. Both identities are totally different and NOT the same.
It goes without saying that the Meshiach is going to do great deeds. No doubt about that. But miracles ?
Do the Chabad – Meshichistim thus claim that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was also G – d ? Sometimes I am a little confused by all their different statements. However, even many Chabad – Meshichistim are confused and consider such a claim as totally exaggerated. Recently, someone had told me that she saw Chabad posters in New York claiming that Rebbe Schneerson is G – d.
But not enough with that. There are directions within the Chabad – Meshichist – movement stating that the Rebbe never died. He is the Meshiach and among us. We just have to open our eyes.
Every time I am asking myself what kind of people are able to believe in such concepts (the Rebbe is the Meshiach). Psychologists would say that those people are searching for a father figure. They simple need a strong personality in their lives telling them What to do. I myself had such experiences with the Meshichistim. Anyway I only know very few of them and therefore I don't intend to generalize.
But how about accepting reality ? Okay, Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson passed away and there is no successor. So what ? Other groups such as Breslov have managed and survived the same problem. Why are the Chabad – Meshichistim unable to accept the Rebbe's death ? And could a new appointed successor (rebbe) solve the whole issue ? For that it is already far too late because there is just no chance that all Chabadnikkim would ever agree upon one new rebbe. There are too many disputes within the groups and everyone wants to gain more power.
The result is that we have to continue suffering through more Chabad - Meshiach songs and wait until the real Meshiach is going to come. Hopefully soon !!!
eliahu and elisha split the yaden they were given the keys to tchias hameisim and resurrected the dead children etc....