
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Do we have a right to question the Holocaust ?


Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Memorial Day in Israel and also the Shiur I went to a few days ago dealt with the subject. Don't especially religious Jews keep on asking where G – d was during the Holocaust ? Many just accept it as G – d's decision and He must have had His reasons which we don't understand. So let's go on in life.
But does this opinion really help me overcoming the pain and doubts ?

I went to a Shiur at Rabbi Mordechai Machlise's house. The Rabbi asked if we Jews have the right to question the Holocaust and ask Him for reasons ? G – d where are you and why are you doing this ?

Yes, we do have the right to ask G – d and question the Holocaust. Already the Prophet Jeremiah (Yirmeyahu) demanded answers from G – d. But do we find a logical answer which we are able to understand ?

The difference between G – d and us humans is that He sees the whole picture and we only see a tiny little part of it. Many times when something bad happens, people are shocked and simply cannot grasp it. Why did this happen ? It doesn't make sense at all.

Even if we don't understand the reasons now, we might do so in another ten years or so. Sometimes things happen to us and we are upset. Later on, we find out that what happened to us was just a beginning of later events and then suddenly everything appears to be so clear.

Talmud Berachot teaches us that G – d showed the back of His Tefillin to Moshe. Although G – d has neither form nor matter, we might get the impression that He has a back and Tefillin. Whatever this means.
Torah and Talmud are never to be taken literally, as both of them are full of metaphoric expressions. What does it really mean that G – d showed Moshe the back of His Tefillin ? What is the hidden meaning ?
Rabbi Machlis had one suggestion. The Head Tefillin contain two straps hanging down. One to right and on to the left. Further to the top, the two straps are joined together in a knot.

Maybe G – d wanted Moshe to understand that there are always two ways in life, symbolized by the two straps. There are the hidden ways of G – d which we are incapable to understand and there are His ways where we see a reason and the picture.
And the Holocaust belongs to G – d's actions we don't understand. How could we at all ?
There is no logic and reason for us.

We are allowed and we should question the Holocaust but we won't find a satisfying answer.
"My thoughts are not your thoughts" – so we learn from one of the Prophets.
What do we know about the world if we only see a small part of the whole picture?
And if we knew everything, wouldn't we then automatically be G – d ?

Fact is that none of us has an answer to the Holocaust although some rabbis might claim something else. However, we should question the Holocaust but never forget to accept that there are things in this world we cannot grasp.
This kind of solution sounds depressing and doesn’t help anyone but there is nothing else we can do.

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