
Sunday, May 4, 2008

The End of a Cult ?


Just last Thursday we remembered the six million Holocaust victims. "Yom HaShoah" in Israel. A terrible sad day for the Jews all over the world and not only in Israel.

This Tuesday night (6 May), another remembrance day lays ahead of us. "Yom HaZikaron – Remembering the fallen Israeli soldiers and terror victims". Wednesday will be even more depressive and there is no escape. Families of fallen soldiers tell their stories on the radio, on TV and in the daily papers. One could claim that "Yom HaShoah" and "Yom HaZikaron" have the same sadness but this is not so. There are two different kinds of sadness for both days.

Remembering the fallen Israeli soldiers is much more intense because many of us know victims. And until today, each of us could be one of them, Chas veChalilah. The issue is always up – to – date and who in Jerusalem doesn't remember the terror attacks within the past few years. I myself was in the Ben Yehudah bomb attack in Dec. 2001.

Wednesday evening (7 May), we start celebrating our 60th Independence Day (Yom HaAtzma'ut). From a trauma to a party - from one second to the next. Hasn't this always been the fate of the Jewish People throughout history ? First a catastrophe and afterwards the light at the end of the tunnel ?

60 years are also a time sit down and look at the results. What did we really accomplish within these 60 years ? Of course, there are positive and negative aspects at the same time. Whatever opinion we are, we should never forget that Jews finally have their own state. Maybe not a state as it should be but at least a beginning.

Israelis have certain holiday habits and you may ask about the habit on an Independence Day. Of course, we like to Barbecue. No doubt about that. However, in the morning of the Independence Day, Israelis love to watch a certain show. The show is a cult and famous throughout the entire Jewish world.

I am talking about the "Bible Quiz".

Several groups of teenagers from all over the world come to Israel in order to participate and answer questions on Tanach. Usually Israelis Yeshiva students are the final winners but you never know. Girls as well as boys are entitled to participate but one has to be Jewish.

This year's Bible Quiz was placed with a Cherem (ban) by different Rabbis (e.g. Rabbi Shlomo Aviner). No, it is not Mea Shearim demonstrating against the female participation. And by the way, Mea Shearim doesn’t watch the Quiz anyway.

The Israeli anti – missionary organization "Yad Le'Achim" has found out that one of the participants of the contest is a messianic Jew. Bat El Levy from the Jerusalem neighbourhood of Pisgat Ze'ev. And a messianic Jew involved in idol worship has nothing to do in a Jewish contest, and we should not give a platform to such people.

The Israeli Ministry of Education claims that no one can just ban her from the contest. Despite all condemnations, Bat El Levy is Jewish and therefore entitled to participate.

Why did I mention the Holocaust first and where is the connection to Bat El Levy ?

Jews were killed during the Holocaust and the same is taking place today. Jewish souls (Neshamot) are being destroyed by Christian missionaries. And where is the difference between Nazis killing Jews and Christian missionaries ?

The answer is that there is no difference.
Even "The Jerusalem Post" came to the conclusion that Christian missionary activities can be seen as a "Second Holocaust".

After 60 years, it is a disgrace for our country letting someone like Bat El Levy participating in a Jewish Bible Quiz. She represents a group of people whose goal it is to destroy the Jewish People and I am glad that I don't watch TV.

1 comment:

  1. B"H

    Further Details on ARUTZ 7:
