The Iranian President has appointed a new Chief Rabbi for Iranian Jewry. In order to show his good intentions with the Jews. Officially he doesn't hate them but he just wants Israel blown up. Is Achmadinejad more generous than Hitler ?
And who could it be, the new Chief Rabbi of Iran ?
Who else but Moshe Friedman. The Rabbi from Vienna. The Rabbi who dreams about being a Neturei Karta member.
Hopefully Friedman is going to move to Iran and we won't hear from him again. And who knows ? Maybe he will help the President to finish building the nuclear weapons against Israel.
There is hardly anything to say to this subject except that Friedman knows the public relation business very well. He keeps himself in the headlines and loves to be "important". However, most people forget that Friedman is not a Neturei Karta member and rejected by the group. And the Neturei Karta is anything but not just the Neturei Karta. The group includes different directions and ideologies. Just look at Mea Shearim where there are already two Neturei Karta Synagogues. "Torah veYirah" is more moderate but if you walk a few meters further, you get to the real nutcase place of Israel Hirsch. He is the son of the former leader Moshe Hirsch who now suffers from Alzheimer. Israel Hirsch and his small group is even hated in Mea Shearim. The Hirsch - Group might be the right place for Friedman but Friedman wants the headlines for himself and not sharing anything with Israel Hirsch.
I am curious to see how Iranian Jewry is going to react. Friedman is Ashkenazi and can he really live without Tschund on Shabbat and only bite into rice and Gondi (Chicken meatball with Humus) ?
Have a wonderful trip, Mr. Friedman. And try not to come back !!!
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