
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Not everybody celebrates …


This Wednesday night, Israel is starting its Independence Day (Yom HaAtzma'ut) celebrations. And as probably everyone knows, not all Jews see a reason to celebrate. Many Haredim do not agree to the secular present State of Israel. Many but not all of them and one shouldn't generalize.

The largest litvishe Yeshiva of the country, Ponibezh in Bnei Brak, does hang out Israeli flags on the roof. Even Chassidut Sadigora used to hang up Israel flags on its rooftop. The former Sadigora Rebbe used to be in a Nazi labour camp and he promised G - d and himself that if he ever left the camp alive, he would do certain things on a special day. As once the Germans forced him to climb up a roof and put up a Nazi flag, he did the same at his Bnei Brak synagogue. Every Yom HaAtzma'ut he would climb up and hang up an Israeli flag. And once the Germans had forced him to sweep the streets. In remembrance he swept the streets of Tel Aviv on every Yom HaAtzma'ut.

However, there are also mourning services on this coming up Independence Day. For the past weeks, the Neturei Karta has hung up special posters (Fakshivilim) in Mea Shearim. Furthermore, the local Chassidut Satmar announced special mourning services in their synagogues. As Satmar is split into two groups (due to the dispute between two brothers about the Rebbe's position), two different synagogue services are scheduled.

One event is going to take place at the Satmarer Beit Midrash in Yoel Street in Mea Shearim (opposite Karlin - Stolin). This synagogue belongs to Rebbe Zalman Leib Teitelbaum.

The second event is going to take place in the Satmarer Synagogue in Yonah Street in Ge'ulah. This synagogue belongs to Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum.

The Satmarer Chassidim are extremely anti - Zionist and everyone should try to understand the reasons before judging. Although I am glad that the Jews have their own country, I do accept that certain chassidic groups do have a different opinion.

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