In fact, there are people who claim that the litvishe Bnei Brak is the home of more chassidic groups than the famous Jerusalem neighbourhood of Mea Shearim. The claim seems to be right, as Bnei Brak is the home of the Vishnitzer Rebben, the Rebbe of Sadigura, the Shomrei Emunim, the Gerer (Gur) Rebbe, the Rebbe of Alexander, the Spinka Rebbe, the groups Komarno, Nadvorna, Slonim, Zhvil, Skver, Lelov, Modzitz, Satmar (the followers of Rebbe Aharon Teitelbaum) and countless other small groups. Of course, the Neturei Karta also has its Synagogue. Furthermore, Bnei Brak is the headquarter of an organization from where I am planning to interview a person I know working there: the Israeli anti - missionary organization "Yad Le'Achim".
The next upcoming months, I am going to spend my Shabbatot almost entirely in Bnei Brak. Also in order to get to know different people and groups. Not only chassidic but the Livish as well. I am really looking forward to the change and also the change in mentality. There definitely is a mentality difference between the inhabitants of Mea Shearim and those from Bnei Brak.
For those who prefer staying in Tel Aviv over Shabbat: The Breslover Nanas invite people for meals.
And for those who prefer to remain in Mea Shearim: The Toldot Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe is gone to the States and won't give a Tish for a longer period of time. I suspect that the Toldot Aharon Rebbe is planning the same.
whrever there is a concentration of any type of chassidim , they build a shul, beis medrash, kloiz or shteebel so that they can daven together according to their custom. This is not unique to Bnei Brak. Part of being a member of a chassidus is the fellowship of the group, called sheves achim, as well of course as accepting the leadership of one particular Rebbe. Those who call themselves Klal Chassidi or generic are not really chassidim as they have no one rebbe that they follow nor do they have teh fellowship of "brothers" of a group!