
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Me - Traitor


I am aware that this article could cause men to hate me. And to those who do I would like to say that I am slowly fed up with the whole situation. With seeing Haredim watching pornography on the Internet.

Yes, this is a religious blog and maybe I should just ignore certain society problems but I don't. It really goes on my nervous seeing litvishe or some chassidishe Yeshiva guys looking at naked women on the Net. I cannot give you any statistics but young Chassidim as well as Litvaks have discovered the Internet and run after their Yetzer. This is well - known and we could even see posters in Mea Shearim warning its own young Yeshiva students not to go to the Internet - Cafes. However, many do but not only Mea Shearim.

Today I had a special experience and I got so fed up that I had to react in a certain way.

Internet - Cafes in Jerusalem are not cheap and some Haredim have found a different way surfing the Net for free; they go to public libraries and turn the computer around so that hardly anyone can see the screen. Well, today I did see a chassidishe guy looking at a naked woman and I went to a library clerk. The funny thing was that the clerk immediately came and caught the Haredi looking at the sexy lady. The clerk threw him out right away.
And now haredi guys watch out !!!
I will do this to every Haredi watching pornography at the National Library.

Everyone can surf the Internet as much as he likes and a secular person looking at pornography doesn't bother be too much. But a Haredi walking in with his clothes and on Mozzei Shabbat even with a streimel does bother me. Why ? Because wearing a special kind of clothes should obligate everyone to show a special behaviour. How many times have Haredim told me to be modest, wear a skirt, and not to do this or that ? And how many times did I sit next to a Haredi surfing through pornographic sites ?

At least twice a week, the Mishmeret HaZniut (Modesty Police) is coming to the Internet - Cafe in Jaffa Road. Haredi society knows about its problem but is unable to control its own people. Nobody but only the person itself is able to control himself. If the someone can overcome his Yetzer.

Internet itself is a very positive invention and everything is a matter of how you use it. But in my opinion it is totally disgusting when especially Haredim publicly look at pornographic sites and secular, tourists or women sit next to them.

No, I am not generalizing and I am aware that only a minority is using the Net in a negative way. However, maybe haredi Yeshivot should deal with the problem of its youngsters much more and not only forbid it and refer to the Yetzer. This is not a solution.


  1. Bravo!! I am also sick of being forced to walk around looking like a potatoe sack because the "religious" can't control their Yetzer. Perhaps it is time they actually faced reality and started putting what they study into practice.

  2. B"H

    Well, I have to emphasize that I am not accusing a whole society but a small part of it.

    However, black sheep you can find in any society !!!!

  3. I agree with your point that men who are wearing garments that mark them as religious should not be looking at pornography, especially in a library. However, the Modesty Police sounds so much like what Saudi Arabia has to keep people in line.

  4. B"H

    I think that if someone is a member of certain chassidic groups (Gur, Satmar, Toldot Aharon, etc.) he has to accept that there is something like a "Modesty Police".
    It does sound like Iran but it exists in haredi circles to keep society together.
    If we like it or not....

  5. why does he have to conform to the construct or stereotype that matches your (superficial) impression of what his clothes seem to be saying? Your inferiority complex tells you the statement he's making by wearing those clothes is "holier than thou"
    For some, it's nothing more than a cultural statement, like a dashiki or sari.

  6. B"H

    Well, well...

    If I appear to belong to a certain chassidic group, I should behave that way. At least in public.

    If he likes it so much and doesn't want to be so stereotype, why then doesn't he tell his Rebbe and leave the group ?
