
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Only over my Dead Body


In its last weekend edition, the Israeli daily MAARIV published a longer article about certain "scandalous" actions of the haredi "ZAKA – Zihiu Korbanot Ason – Identification of Jews killed in catastrophes". When people hear the name ZAKA, they immediately think about bomb attacks and other catastrophes, but the ZAKA volunteers also take action in traffic accidents. Anywhere in the world where Jewish Israelis are killed, Zaka is getting involved.

One of the ZAKA founders is Yehuda Meshi Zahav, a follower of Rabbi Amram Blau (Bloi), a former head of the Neturei Karta in Jerusalem. Until today, Yehuda Meshi Zahav is involved in anti – Zionist activities but presents himself as a modern guy who talks to the outside world (modern world). Regarding ZAKA issues, he presents himself almost politician like.

ZAKA is known worldwide and extremely respected. Its members consist of male haredi volunteers who regard it as a great Mitzwa helping Jews to get the best funeral possible. Their work is admirable because who else would search many hours for body parts etc. on roof tops or any other places ? ZAKA tries to find even the smallest lost body part and thus, show respect to the ones who passed away. When the Meshiach comes, we will have the Resurrection of the Death and therefore it is extremely important that a dead body must be complete.

In Judaism, cremation of a dead body is halachically forbidden. Every dead Jewish body has to undergo certain procedures in order to get buried. After a person passes away, the dead body is ritually cleaned and then buried in a shroud or casket. However, no Jew is allowed to let his body cremated and then let his ashes be thrown into the sea etc.

Within the past years, however, more and more Israelis decided to cremate their bodies after they pass away. In fact, most of them are new immigrants from the former Soviet Union. The vast majority of the Russians is not halachically Jewish but if you search very hard, you do find a few Jews according to Halacha. But also many of the halachically Russian Jews prefer a cremation of their bodies. If this is really took place, relatives and friends are free to pick up the ashes afterwards and do with it whatever they want. Different private companies offer this particular service of cremation but the whole procedure is anything but cheap.

It happened in many cases that a person who passed away had decided to be cremated but a relative refused to accept the decision and instead informs ZAKA. Then ZAKA takes care that the dead body is not leaving the fridge of the morgue or hospital until all relatives agree that the dead body is not going to be cremated but buried according to Halacha.

Many Russians claim that they have received threatening phone calls from ZAKA. According to them ZAKA threatened them by saying that they would inform the social benefit office and tell the authorities that so and so obviously had enough money to pay for a cremation but still receives support from the government. If the family of the dead person still refuses to agree to a halachic funeral, ZAKA takes care that the dead body remains in the fridge.

When Yehuda Meshi Zahav was asked if this is true, he confirmed the claims of the people involved. "Yes, ZAKA does sometimes threaten people if there is no other way. Halacha is Halacha and a Jew is not allowed to let his body cremated. No one has the right to change Halacha because he prefers a different way. And ZAKA takes its rights to walk with the Torah and Halacha. That's it.
Some months ago, a private cremation institute was burned down and everyone suspects the Haredim. However, I cannot tell if the perpetrators have ever been found.

Personally, I have never favoured cremation and I think that it is disgusting picking up a box with ashes inside and telling everyone that this used to be "Uncle Fritz". Can you imagine that you are being carried around in a box ? Of course, you can claim that once you are buried according to Halacha, various insects show up in order to eat your body. Isn't it better to be cremated and not facing all these worms ?

However, I think that cremation is something inhuman and especially Jews should stand up against it. I cannot help it but the word "crematory" always reminds me of Auschwitz and other death camps.


Website ZAKA,7340,L-3528828,00.html

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