
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A high Price


The Israeli daily "Yediot Acharonot" is mentioning an interesting incident. A former Chassidiah (female chassidic member) from Satmar had left the group and was now appointed a police officer in New York.

The young woman (in her twenties) had left Chassidut Satmar some time ago because she came to the conclusion that chassidic life is not for her. Especially not the closed life in Satmar. She left, went to a police academy, succeeded and is now a new appointed police officer.

But how high was the price this young lady had to pay for her new life ?

Before, she had been married to a Satmarer Chassid and they had two children together. Then she changed her life, left her husband, got divorced and left Satmar. The problem is, of course, the future of the kids. When she left Satmar, she knew exactly the price she would pay - not getting the kids. Instead, they stayed with her Ex.

No doubt that she paid a very high price for her new life, and I am asking myself if she is allowed to visit her kids sometimes. Or does Satmar consider her visit as a bad influence to the children ? I would really like to know that.

The newspaper article says that the woman used to live in Monsey and I know Monsey only as a Vishnitzer community. If she lived in Williamsburgh or Kiryat Yoel, I could at least determine to which of the two Satmarer Rebbes she belonged. However, on the other hand, I don't think that this knowledge would make such a big difference. The young lady left Satmar and for them, this is a severe incident.

I can a little imagine what kind of inner crises the woman is going through and I have to say that I wish her all the best and lots of inner strength.


  1. Monsey might have a bigger Satmar population than Viznitz. Both Williamsburg and Kiryas Joel have people belonging to both sides of the Satmar aisle. Can't confuse rebbes (who live in the places you mentioned) with adherents who live all over the place (in general).

  2. B"H

    Thanks a lot for the clarification.

    In Israel, we are sometimes confused and those of us who haven't been to New York (like me) have difficulties with places like Monsey, Boro Park, and other places.
