
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ridiculous Competition


Just a few weeks ago, Jerusalem celebrated its new bridge. Mayor Uri Lupolianski proudly opened the bridge and a big festival took place. Nevertheless, you cannot really call it a "bridge opening", as the bridge itself is only coming into use in another two years or so. However, thousands came to the opening celebrations and, as you probably heard, the Haredim (Ultra - Orthod.) had, in advance, protested about the clothes of the female show dancers. Their clothes would be immodest and therefore need to be changed. The mayor gave in and the dancers were modest.

The haredi protest and the new bridge have one thing in common: both are and were totally unnecessary.

The anti - Zionist umbrella organization Edah HaCharedit warned its members to participate in the "Zionist" opening celebrations. There, the Haredim could face immodest things which arises their Yetzer (negative thoughts). However, despite all the warnings, many Satmarer Chassidim showed up. A Chassid from a different chassidic group told me that Satmar always has to stick its nose into everything. The Chassid was extremely upset about certain behaviours within chassidic society. Satmar would always spy around and only look for the bad. Afterwards they only complain.

But why did this whole modesty complaint about the bridge take place at all ? Only because of a Yetzer ?

The real reason seems to be a struggle for power. A struggle, ordinary people don't even notice let alone know that something like this is going on at all.
For many years, Chassidim in Bnei Brak (near Tel Aviv) want to show their counterpart called Mea Shearim who really is more religious. Mea Shearim, on the other hand, wants to prove that it is them who are more seriously keeping Mitzwot and therefore being more religious. The struggle Bnei Brak versus Mea Shearim.
Everyone wants to show his power and get more attention.
Who is the Baal HaBait - the one having more power ?
And none of the two parties cares about the impression they make on the outside world (secular, national religious, etc.). Everything is only about their own power expansion.

Usually the municipalities give in as soon as the Haredim make a new demand. Not only in order to avoid further conflicts but to protect the local economy. If the mayor doesn't function in favour of the haredi demands, the local economy could face another haredi boycott. Neither Jerusalem nor Bnei Brak are able to afford that.

Today, most chassidic groups don't care too much about the real Chassidut and ideas of the Baal Shem Tov. Who knows about them at all, as everyone makes up his own interpretations. And where is G - d ? No one is talking about Him.

For me, Chassidut is the best way of life within the Jewish religion. The real Chassidut and not any egoistic power behaviour.

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