
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Vatican and its protection of anti – Semites


It is nothing new at all that the Vatican keeps its anti – Semitic tradition until today. Everything seems to be allowed when the Vatican tries to expand its power and make lots of Catholic propaganda. Even if Catholic claims are anything but true. After the Romans stole Jewish items from the Second Temple, the early Roman Christians took over and apparently items as, for instance, the Temple Menorah and the original writings of the Rambam (Maimonides) are still locked up in the Vatican's chambers. No access for anyone which seems to be so ridiculous, as G – d is with His people called the Jews and not with a self – appointed "G – dly" replacement called pope. And until today, the paranoid goal of fanatic Christians, destroying Judaism, hasn't changed.

Every century, especially the Catholic church introduces a new decree against the Jews or Judaism. Why don't we Jews just don't want to believe in Mr. J. C. ? This question is driving the church mad. For centuries, most attempts have failed. I admit that hundreds of thousands of Jews got lost in the cuase of the time. Conversion to Christianity, Islam or simply going astray in other ways. But, as G – d promised in the Torah, Jews will always exist and our Mefarshim say that the world couldn't even exist without Jews. Only because of the Jews and Torah the world was created.

In our century, the Catholic church hasn't changed its ways. How should they, as they are still convinced that a Jewish mass conversion would bring back J. C.

But wait a minute. Wasn't J. C. G – d ?

Why does he need our help then ?

Who is he ?

Meshiach, G – d or an idiot ?

A fake and an idiot would be the right response.

Let's look at the role of the Catholic church during the time of the Third Reich. Did Pope Pius XII. make any attempt to save the Jews, G – d's people ? We all know that he didn't. Hitler's Holocaust was too convenient for the church. Easier than converting everybody; just get rid of them in the gas chamber.

And let's look at the Middle Ages.
The church is considering turning Queen Isabelle of Castille (Spain) into a "saint". Isabella was the Spanish Queen initiating the Inquisition in the 15th century. Today the church calls Isabella "a servant of G – d". Where is the outcry of the world ? Where are the complaints and oppositions ?

Already in the 15th century, an anti – Semite called Vincent Ferrer was canonized by the Vatican.

Anyone knows Vincent Ferrer ?
No, then hopefully his name is about to vanish from this planet.
In 1391, the first real pogroms took place in Spain. The Catholic Vincent Ferrer is responsible for inciting the mob with his anti – Semitic propaganda and thus causing the pogroms. In 1392, the Jewish communities faced the sad consequences.
100,000 Jews had been killed. Another 100,000 Jews had converted to Christianity. And further 100,000 Jews had escaped to Muslem countries.

Until today, Catholic schools all over the world are named after Vincent Ferrer; a guy Hitler would have been glad to have him. Why doesn't the church canonize the "good Catholic" Adolph Hitler then ? Or maybe making him into a "saint" ?


  1. B''H
    Shalom Miriam, what is Mefashim?

  2. B"H

    Hi Carlos,

    Sorry, for not translating:

    MEFARSHIM = Commentators like Rashi, Ibn Ezra, and many others ....

  3. Catholic and other Christian leaders also would not allow the Talmud to be published or if it were published, changes were made by them.

    Today, the threat is still there. Now, even in America, we have Evangelical chirstians like Pat Buchannan who feel increasingly more comfortable with spewing their anti-semitism. The biggest threat from these Evangelicals is their targeted Jews for conversion through deception. They call themselves Messianic Jews or Jews for Jesus.

    The Catholic church should immediately release all of the materials that belong in Jewish hands. This more than any of the most sincere apologies for the 2,000 years of perseuction would repair some of the harm.

  4. B"H

    Christian leaders are too arrogant to give in. Even if they are wrong.

    But regarding the Talmud:

    I am preparing a few more articles on the subject. One, I am going to publish now. I think it is a very important subject and everyone should be aware of some facts.
