
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tram versus Spirituality


The haredi (ultra - orthod.) population of Mea Shearim is considering Jerusalem's tram a spiritual danger. The new tram is still being built and only due to start running in another few years. However, the present traffic situation downtown Jerusalem is a catastrophe. Especially the junction Jaffa Road - King George - Nathan Strauss. Only buses and some taxis have access into Jaffa Road and the street is only open on one side. Otherwise all the construction work for the tram is taking place. The present result is that many more buses are going through Strauss Street and this causes neverending traffic jams at Kikar Shabbat (Shabbat Square). Kikar Shabbat is quite famous as it is also the border between the two haredi neighbourhoods of Ge'ulah and Mea Shearim.

The architect's picture of the future tram

Already for some time, the local Haredim have spotted out certain changes in their neighbourhood. More and more secular people as well as secular businessmen are passing the streets. The secular even try to open up stores in haredi neighbourhoods, as they realized what kind of a high profit they would make. The anti - Zionist umbrella organization "Edah HaCharedit" has been warning the local population for a long time not to get involved with any secular and their issues.

Is secularism gaining too much influence in Mea Shearim ? What kind of example are the secular for haredi children or society ?
Secular women pass haredi neighbourhoods in immodest clothes and exhibit lots of their flesh. What does the moral downfall of the secular have to do in Mea Shearim ? No wonder that more and more shops in the neighbourhood ask their customer to wear modest clothes only before entering the store. There is no entrance at all for the secular into the Batei Ungarin, the Toldot Aharon backyard as well as to the local market.

What should the kids think ?
Chassidic children in Mea Shearim.

And soon the new tram is supposed to run. No, not through Mea Shearim but the catastrophic parking situation downtown might cause a transformation of Mea Shearim into a huge parking lot. People have to reach the tram and those from the outskirts need more parking lots in order to continue their way by tram.

Kikar Shabbat: Junction Strauss, Mea Shearim, Ge'ulah

Fact is that Jerusalem is becoming more and more haredi. Many secular just leave the city or move to the neighbourhoods of Rehavia or to the French Hill where the secular society is still in the majority. Nevertheless, haredi families have more children and they are going to be the next generation of voters. If they vote. In case they don't, the municipality cannot overlook and decide not to care about them. The demand for "kosher buses" is still valid and many Haredim are not willing to ride on regular buses where they have to sit or, at least, face immodest people. How they are going to explain the behaviour of the secular to their kids ? At least, in kosher buses, men and women would sit separately.

Personally, I am very much against kosher buses, as they are not a proper solution. I do understand the haredi point of view that there is a danger of loosing spirituality but, on the other hand, G - d created us in order to do Tikunim (soul rectifications) and, moreover, religious Jews should be an example for the secular. And being a good example doesn't include force.

Jerusalem has never been and will never be an easy city to live in. Not in the past and not in the future. Thus, it is impossible to make any prognoses.

Narrow streets in Mea Shearim

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