
Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Edah is making a Point


Even after the Edah famous rabbi, Rabbi Me'ir Brandsdorfer, shook the Belzer Rebbe's hand at the Sheva Berachot in Boyan last week, the Edah HaCharedit is condemning certain actions concerning the dispute between the two chassidic groups Machnovke and Belz.

When the London millionaire, Rabbi Eliyahu (Eli) Englander, came to the previous Belzer Rebbe's grave in order to pray there at his Yahrzeit (21 Av), some Belzer Chassidim caught him and beat him up. Rabbi Eliyahu Englander is known for giving financial support to Chassidut Machnovke in Bnei Brak which is a competitor of Chassidut Belz. The dispute between those two groups has been going on for many years and until today, Machnovke claims to be part of Belz although the Belzer don't accept them as such.

Englander himself doesn't accept the present Belzer Rebbe, Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach, and neither does Chassidut Machnovke.

Now the anti - Zionist umbrella organization "Edah HaCharedit" is making a point by condemning the Belzer behaviour towards Rabbi Englander.

"It is a desecration of Rebbe Aharon's grave (the previous Belzer Rebbe) when a Torah fearing rabbi like Englander is getting beaten up".

The Fakshivili is signed by the Edah members:

Rabbi Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss,

Rabbi Me'ir Brandsdorfer,

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Ullmann,

Rabbi Naftali H. Frankel,

Rabbi Yehoshuah Rosenberger

as well as by Rabbi Yaakov Mendel Yuravitch.

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