
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More Violent

Fakshivilim on the walls of Mea Shearim


The language of the new Pakshivili mentioning the Chief Rabbi of the Kotel (Western Wall), Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, sounds much more "violent" than on all the previous Fakshivilim. Last night I walked through the ultra - orthodox Ge'ulah neighbourhood and the glue on the posters was still wet and fresh.

Rabbi Rabinovitch is being accused of trying to take over the leadership at the grave of the Talmudic Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron (Northern Israel). Until now, certain groups from Mea Shearim were managing the grave's affairs; including a strict division between male and female. Now the Kotel rabbi would like to rule over the grave and its surroundings. Of course, money and power are involved and both sides don't give in.

The latest Pakshivili accuses Rabbi Rabinovitch of continuing the ways of his left - wing father who was friendly with Israel's extreme left - wing politician Yossi Beilin. Those of us who know Beilin's views wouldn't really make friends with a person like him. I am always asking myself why he doesn't move to Gaza or Ramallah if he prefers the Palestinians. Who would stop him ?

Rabinovitch got appointed as Kotel rabbi by the Israeli government and it is believed that he was chosen due to his connections to politicians rather than because of his Torah knowledge.

Furthermore, the Pakshivili is accusing Rabinovitch of introducing Avodah Zarah (idol worship) at the grave of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. He has no fear of heaven and will get his punishment.

Leading litvishe Rabbis as well as those chassidic Rebbes close to the Agudat Israel signed another Pakshivili which was in favour of Shmuel Rabinovitch. Nevertheless, the Mea Shearim accusations against him don't stop and we will see how it is going to continue. The secular press as well as the Agudah press hasn't mentioned a word about the ongoing dispute and if you are not into the subject, you wouldn't even recognize the Pakshivilim on the walls of Mea Shearim.

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