
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Rabbi Brandsdorfer's Family Ties

Toldot Aharon Chassidim in Mea Shearim / Jerusalem.


And again, last Erev Shabbat, my favourite chassidic Tish was on - the Toldot Aharon in Mea Shearim / Jerusalem.

Apparently the vast majority has never ever heard about the Toldot Aharon; Israelis and Diaspora Jews alike. Unfortunately, the Toldot Aharon seem to be rather for insiders and Chassidut freaks like me. But, nevertheless, still many people keep on sending me e - mails and investigating about the group. It is rather astonishing how many people interested in Chassidut know some Toldot Aharon members and even the New York family (Sidichov) of the Rebbitzen.

Until today or especially today, most Jews only know Chabad which is a real pity. The chassidic world has so much to offer and Chabad is only a tiny part of it. It is much greater getting to know other chassidic groups such as Satmar, Nadvorna, Bobov, Slonim, Vishnitz, the Toldot Aharon and many others. Whoever hasn't been to a real lively enthusiastic Tish doesn't understand anything about Chassidut.

I admit that not everyone in the world has access to the Toldot Aharon, as they are mostly located in Mea Shearim and the Ge'ulah neighbourhood. Nevertheless, they are one of the most influential members of the anti - Zionist umbrella organization "Edah HaCharedit". Although the Toldot Aharon started off as a rather small group, within the past few years they have been growing a lot. The great Synagogue in Shivtei Israel Street is far too small and therefore they have started building a new, much bigger, Synagogue right next to the old center. Money is an important issue and as it is missing, all the construction work doesn't move on.
And this is the reason why this time, the group members also have to squeeze themselves into the old Synagogue over the high holidays. The Toldot Aharon are extremely anti - Zionist and thus don't accept any finincial support from the State of Israel. Instead they are looking for donations and support from other related chassidic groups such as Satmar.

Last Erev Shabbat, I took a friend and we were so lucky to arrive on time. Rebbe David Kahn had just entered the men's section on the ground floor of the Synagogue and started making Kiddush (blessing over the wine). When we climbed upstairs to the Ezrat Nashim (women's section), I saw a note hanging on the wall in the staircase. It was written in Hebrew and thus addressed to members and visitors alike. Otherwise all the news letters are written in Yiddish.

Due to the upcoming high holidays, the Toldot Aharon are planning to add a third Ezrat Nashim at the northern side of the Synagogue.

As I have already mentioned, the group is tremendously growing and at peak hours, there is hardly any space in the women's section. The women sometimes are squeezed in like sardines although there are already two bigger women's sections available.
The growths seems to be due to the high birthrate of the group. And on the high holidays, lots of further members living in Beit Shemesh are expected to come. One of the women told me that the group members from Beit Shemesh usually find shelter at the houses of the Jerusalem members.

We found a great spot on one of the metal benches and were able to overlook everything. While I was watching the Rebbe, the Rabbi sitting to his left, caught my attention.
"Wasn't this ... ? No, this couldn't be.
But, wait a minute, wasn't this Rabbi Me'ir Brandsdorfer sitting next to Rebbe David Kahn and obviously enjoying himself ?"

Rabbi Me'ir Brandsdorfer

I asked one a the female members and she had expected anything but not that an outsider is inquiring about Rabbi Me'ir Brandsdorfer. As soon as she realized that I know a little about Mea Shearim, she opened up.

"Yes, this is Rabbi Me'ir Brandsdorfer, and although he belongs to "them" (Toldot Avraham Yitzchak) he shows up once a month at the Toldot Aharon. The reason is very simple: Rabbi Brandsdorfer is related to the Kahn family.

Almost twelve years ago when the Toldot Aharon split, Rabbi Me'ir Brandsdorfer supported Rebbe Yaakov Shmuel Kahn who is now the Rebbe of the Toldot Avraham Yitzchak. Since, Rabbi Brandsdorfer has been joining the "competitor" group "Toldot Avarahm Yitzchak", he left the Toldot Aharon. Despite his switch, he remained an important rabbi of the Edah HaCharedit.

Rabbi Me'ir Brandsdorfer (to the left) is shaking hands with the Toldot Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe Yaakov Shmuel Kahn (to the right)

I was still surprised to see him at the Toldot Aharon because I had never expected him there due to all the disputes.

Further Toldot Aharon news:
The third Ezrat Nashim is only being build for the upcoming high holidays.

As the Toldot Aharon Synagogue will be packed with members on the high holidays, visitors should rather look for different spots in Mea Shearim or elsewhere. Space is very limited and expensive.

On Yom Kippur as well as on Simchat Torah, only Toldot Aharon members are allowed to enter their Synagoge.
This is also happening due to the limited space.

On Friday night, we could feel the space issue, as we were sitting like sardines and as soon as I got up, I realized how stiff I was. After two hours "suffering" we went over to the Avraham Yitzchak where there was much more space. Most female members had gone home already and there were plenty of seats. However, we were too tired for any further enjoyment. Actually a pity because Rebbe Yaakov Shmuel Kahn had more than 300 Chassidim gathered around him and he was in one of his great spiritual moods.

To the right: The Rebbe of the Toldot Avarahm Yitzchak, Rabbi David Kahn, with his brother Rabbi David Kahn - the Toldot Aharon Rebbe, in the center.

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