Yesterday morning (Thursday), the traditional "Blessing of the Priests - Birkat haCohanim" took place at the Kotel (Western Wall)
I didn't go but, instead, went to Tel Aviv and had a good time there. Who says that Tel Aviv is not spiritual ? I found an open library, walked in and found a great book on Chassidut. I was so glad that I went and just found this book by accident. If you want to call it an "accident", as there are not such things and everything is from Heaven. I know.
The Birkat HaCohanim at the Kotel.
In the evening, I was back in Jerusalem, and, as a Toldot Aharon addict, I went to their Simchat Beit HaShoeva celebrations. It was packed but I succeeded in climbing up a metal bench. And, surprise, surprise, I was able to see the men dancing on the ground floor. The Toldot Aharon really know how to throw a party but I am unable do jugde who was better. Them or the "Mishkenot HaRoim" where I went afterwards.
It wasn't easy to get to the Mishkenot HaRoim building in Mea Shearim Street, as everything around is divided by a Mechitzah. However, I asked one of the private guards if I can quickly run through the men's section in order to get to the building right across. I was allowed and nothing happend while I passed.
No stoning or bad looks.:-)
I really enjoyed my time at the Mishkenot HaRoim and, as far as I saw, I was the only non - chassidic (although I am but not according to my clothes) and non - Mea Shearim inhabitant.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach (Yom Tov) to all of you !!!
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