
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

GUR against Me'ir Porush


The elections for the new mayor of Jerusalem are approaching. On 11th November, we will see who the new mayor is going to replace the present one Uri Lupolianski.

The secular Nir Barkat as well as the Haredi Me'ir Porush are having the best chances. The SHASS representative Aryeh Deri is out, as a court decided that he cannot be elected as a mayor. Aryeh Deri has a crime record and was in jail a few years ago.

The haredi candidate Me'ir Porush has been having an argument with the head of the Litvaks in Israel, Rabbi Yosef Shalom Eliyashiv. Furthermore, Chassidut Gur apparently made a decree not to vote for Porush. It is all haredi politics, as usual. I don't like you because you don't like me.

Men's power games and nothing else !

"No votes for Me'ir Porush", says the Gerrer Rebbe Yaakov Aryeh Alter.

The Gerrer Rebbe sent out messages to Chassidut Zanz, Belz, Vishnitz and to Rabbi Eliezer Berland from Breslov. Any support for Me'ir Porush would be considered as an assault against Chassidut Gur.

Great ! So, who is going to be the new mayor ?
A secular guy called Nir Barkat ?


Website Me'ir Porush

Website Nir Barkat

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