Last year I wrote about "The Modesty Street", now I am publishing an article called "The Modesty Bridge". The ultra - orthodox neighbourhood Mea Shearim underwent slight extreme changes and since yesterday, the "Modesty Bridge" found its official task.
Mea Shearim is not the only ultra - orthodox neighbourhood in Jerusalen but apparently the most famous one. Who else has ever heard about Ramat Shlomo, Ge'ulah, Kiryat Mattersdorf, Kiryat Belz, Romema, Beit Vagan, Bucharin, Kiryat Zanz or Makor Baruch ? But it is definitely in Mea Shearim where most Sukkot events are taking place. At least for the religious population. There is no other place like chassidic places and even the national religious and countless Litvishe come to Mea Shearim in order to dance with the Chassidim.
Usually the main Mea Shearim roads as well as the local market are divided by a Mechitzah during Chol HaMoed (Intermediate Days) Sukkot. As a woman it can be extremely difficult to get around, as some alleyways are blocked and only allowed to men. This means that I have to go around and thus walk far until I finally get to the market with its Neturei Karta and Avraham Yitzchak Synagogue. Furthermore, there are private guards standing at certain junctions screaming in the megaphones that all visitors have to stick to the modesty rules.
Before, secular papers announced a ban on all Mea Shearim visitors and that even the local women wouldn't be allowed in anywhere. This was due to a Fakshivili (news poster) hanging on the Mea Shearim walls. However, I checked out the Fakshivili and as it has no signature, I knew it would be from the Sikarikim. And the wide masses don't really listen to them. Or frankly speaking, everyone Jewish and modestly dressed was allowed in. Christians, on the other hand, would face a serious problem and last night, a Christian tour bus passed me and the passengers got so excited "Happy Clappy" that they raised their hands and greeted us. This was in vain and no one greeted back. There is only one answer:
"Missionaries Out !!!!" We don't need fanatic Christians whose goal it is to convert Jews to Christianity and run around in haredi areas in order to pray for a mass conversion. This is just disgusting and such people are simply evil and nothing else.
Despite the rain, the Mea Shearim atmosphere was just great. By the way, we have rain on Sukkot this year; very unusual but the holiday started later this year. Nevertheless, lst night, thousands of visitors walked through Mea Shearim and stormed into the Toldot Aharon as well as the Avraham Yitzchak Synagogue. Those chassidic Tishes are the most popular and everyone should see it. Not only once but every Shabbat. A must for every Chassidut fanatic like me !
The Toldot Aharon were totally packed and when I walked in with a friend, we saw a sign written in Hebrew and English that women wearing wigs (Peot) are not welcomed. Instead they should at least put a Tichel onto their wig.
The Toldot Aharon are known for their strong opposition against haredi women wearing wigs. Well, Satmar and Dushinsky shouldn't face such a big problem, as their women always wear a Tichel on their wigs during Shabbat and the holidays.
The metal benches were packed but, somehow, we climbed up and succeeded in seeing everything going on at the men's side. The Chassidim were dancing to loud chassidic music. The Toldot Aharon and the Avraham Yitzchak also have the best bands. As I mentioned before, the streets are divided according to the genders. One sidewalk for women and the opposite sidewalk for men only. Right in front of the great Breslover Synagogue you can find the greatest attraction this year. A wooden bridge whose sides are covered by plastic. Men are walking over the bridge and women underneath. A real "Modesty Bridge" or some might call it a "Bitch Bridge", as this is a totally crazy and useless idea. At the end of the bridge, men and women get together anyway and I seriously don't understand the whole bridge purpose. Whoever made this invention has definitely a problem with women or his own Yetzer. I am not always a fan of the "Kvetcher.net" but many times he has got his points. However, the Mea Shearim women seem to be used to many things although I would really like to know the thoughts about slight inventions. Some women told me that in public, they go according to the rules but at home, they do whatever they want and the neighbours don't need to know everything.
The private security guards in the Mea Shearim streets were a catastrophy. They had no idea when you asked any questions. One didn't even know what Avraham Yitzchak is when I asked him for the right modest way to their location. The next wasn't sure if I could walk through the gate next to the bridge. He said that I could try but he doesn't know for sure. Well, it was save and many women walked around there.
As a Mea Shearim, and especially a Toldot Aharon addict, I am going again tonight. But rather to Ruzhin - Boyan, Dushinsky, Kretchnif and Karlin - Stolin. Maybe also to the Toldot Aharon. Who can resist anyway ?
Great article. By the way, I spoke to a young orthodox girl of a family I know quite well and interestingly she thought the "bitch bridge" was a good idea as there are lots of young girls and boys and they could be tempted to fraternize during the holiday. I was a bit surprised as I had thought she was more "modern" but it just shows that there are some who welcome the separation. Keep up the great work--Chag Samayech!
ReplyDeleteTonight, the bridge almost collapsed, as there were so many people.
Besides the bridge, the women's side is far too small and we could hardly move on. Especially when women with their baby carriages were on their ways, the traffic stopped.:-)
nu ? what about mishkenos haroim ?
ReplyDeleteyou're not visiting them ?
chag sameach
ReplyDeleteI am just coming back from the Simchat Beit HaShoeva at the Mishkenot Haroim and the Toldot Aharon.
I don't know when exactly I am giving a full report, as, at the moment, time is a little short. Maybe still on Sukkot, if not, next Wednesday.
ReplyDeleteSo, who was in charge of dividing the street and setting up the bridge ???
The Toldot Aharon as well as the Mishkenot HaRoim !!!