
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Money makes the Breslov World go round


Someone once asked me if it is true that Rabbi Eliezer Berland is asking for 1000 Dollar in order to arrange a meeting with him.

For those of you who have never heard about Rabbi Berland:
He is the biggest Baal Teshuva Rabbi within the Breslov movement. At least in Israel. Rabbi Berland lives right next to Mea Shearim - Shivtei Israel Street and built his "Shuvo Banim Yeshiva" in the Arab Quarter. He never really got accepted by the original Breslover Chassidim of Mea Shearim and they even told him not to sit on Rabbi Nachman's original chair in the great Breslover Synagogue.

After not being accepted by the original Breslover (the descendants of the followers of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov), Berland decided to found his own little movement. He was and is quite successful but started asking for money. 1000 Dollar for a meeting !
Well, this is a way to make money on the back of the humbled Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. If he just knew ...

I asked a former colleague of mine if the 1000 Dollar price is true. Her husband is one of Berland's students and they live very close to the Breslover Rabbi.
My colleague, however, immediately admitted that this is true. But, she added, Rabbi Berland would use the money for his Yeshiva etc.

I asked her what would happen if I call him up and tell him that I don't have 1000 Dollar but would like to meet him.

She said that I have to pay the money but I shouldn't misinterpret the situation. This is mostly for people who need a Tikun (soul rectification).

Tikun ? What if I need a Tikun but don't have the 1000 Dollar ? What is going to happen to me ? Am I becoming a Dybuk ?

She and I almost had a big fight and in the end she said that I just don't understand Rabbi Berland.
Well, this is very true, as I don't understand the money issue.

After Rabbi Eliezer Berland became more and more successful, one of his students, Rabbi Shalom Arush started his own Yeshiva and movement. I don't know if he is also asking for a 1000 Dollar meeting but Arush is making money by selling his books. Not selling them on his own but sending his students to the Ben Yehudah Mall.

And, last but not least, a student of Rabbi Arush started his own movement as well. Rabbi Lazer Brody saw a new career coming up.

Rabbi Berland started the career movement. Rabbi Arush saw that there is money and then Rabbi Brody learned from Arush who had learned from Berland.

Who wants to be next ?

Poor Rabbi Nachman, as I really like his Chassidut.


  1. I cannot resist saying that I think that your last number of posts have been very inappropriate. First, you accuse the Gerrer Rebbe, shlita, of having improper motives for not supporting Meir Porush!!! Second, you imply that someone committed a serious transgression by taking pictures at a Simchas Torah in Sanz and by implication that the entire people present were involved in the transgression because there is no way that people around the photographer were not aware of the person taking the pictures, chas v'shalom!!!!! Third, you state that it would be better that people have remained idol worshippers aka christians rather than upset you with their need for more tact in talking about certain subjects!!! And lastly, you accuse R' Berland, Arush, and Brody of being nothing but frauds who seek to swindle money out of people!!!! You are certainly on a roll! Unfortunately I think that you are rolling the wrong direction.

  2. This blog is just wrong.

    Sometimes I might disagree with your opinion, or that you misinterpreted something, but this blog is just offensive and ignorant.

    There is so much wrong with this blog post it makes me dizzy where to start. I dont want to get so involved because you are most surely firm in your opinion and nothing could change that.

    So know this.

    There are different types of Tzaddikim and one of those collects money and a lot of money. There are Tzaddikim that dont collect money.

    I personally ate a Shabbos lunch by a Breslover and talmid of Rabbi Berland. He was diagnosed with a terminal illness and went to see his Rebbe with the money. After he left his next doctors visit turned up him miraculously cured.

    Believe what you want. Different Tzaddikim work differently and there are other Rebbes you can meet for free.

    But know that nothing comes for free. The $1000 tikun meeting is for serious things, like a terminal illness, or you keep having children who dont live past their upshernish. Not that you need a bracha cause you lost your job or you have a tummy ache.

    What you say about them all is Lashon Hara because you arent any of their Accountants.

    Im not a Breslover Chasid nor do I live in Israel, but somehow I seem to have a better grasp on Breslov. You have an itch against them and its turning hateful.

  3. B"H

    To no. 1:
    I think that I am on the roll into the right direction.

    Concerning the Gerrer Rebbe:
    There has been lots talk going on in haredi forums and in haredi society as a whole. Maybe you should at least read the forums.

    To no. 2:
    I already told you that I prefer the original Breslovers and the 1000 Dollar excuse I have heard before.

    Just explain me: Why don't other Rabbis ask for 1000 Dollar ?
    Maybe they do but don't make it too obvious.

  4. Its called a pidyon and before the war most Rebbe required some sort of donation.

    Its not $1000 for no reason. He works miracles. If he didnt, then he wouldnt have months worth of appointments with people waiting to see him.

    It costs money to build yeshivas, and provide money for the poor yidden and all the other things we at Jews need. Where do you think the money comes from?

    Two ways.

    Millionaire Chassidim give to the Rebbe.

    Most groups require all Chassidim give an amount the Rebbe decides. How do you think the Belz Shul was built?

    So this is how Rabbi Berland does it.

    Regardless you are speaking lashon hara about many people now on your blog and i think its wrong.

  5. B"H

    I consider it as very cheap when people come up with the "Lashon HaRah" issue as soon as they don't agree. Even as soon as there are reports about some negative haredi society matters.
    There are things which have to be mentioned and nothing is just only holy and perfect. We are all people and when people always argue with "Lashon HaRah", they may overlook the problem.

    So, you have your opinion and I have mine.

    I know that the Belzer, for instance, pay 5000 Dollar for their seat in the Beit Midrash. But this amount is for a lifetime.

    Other Rebbes have rich donors and I do agree. That's fine with me, as all groups need money in order to support themselves.
    However, asking people for 1000 Dollar in order to meet - well, if this was one of the Satmarer Rebbes or someone famous, I would understand it. But Rabbi Berland ?

    And I don't agree to the miracle thing. In our days, I am having a problem with that. In the past, chassidic Rebbes definitely did miracles.

  6. Go learn the Halachas of Lashon Horah. Better yet, why dont you email Rabbi Brody with this blog. Are you truly that confident that you would be willing to confront the people whose names you defame or is it just fine slandering them on the internet.

    Dont turn this blog into

    Thats my peace.

  7. B"H

    It is interesting how some people turn any criticism into Lashon HaRah.

    Keep on dreaming about a perfect society but let me tell you, no real Haredi would agree with you.

    By the way, within the past few years, I had to listen to lots of haredi criticism about Rabbi Berland and the money issue.

    And I still prefer the original Breslovers in Mea Shearim.

  8. With all due respect to Long Beach Hasid, I think that letting the Jewish world know about the ultra-Orthodox part is a good thing. I, myself, was used and abused by a UO organization, Aish haTorah, and if I can warn others about their deceptive fundraising practices so as to avoid my misfortune, I will. And if they are bothered by the old loshon hora defense, perhaps they should stop behaving in ways that generate loshon hora.

  9. i wrote this big message and it didnt let me send it and it erased it. A sign from Hashem.

    Continue you spread your misinformed mishugas. I will not play any part.

  10. B"H

    Before you start judging others you should seriously ask yourself, why Rabbi Berland & Co. are not accepted in Mea Shearim.

    Have you ever thought about that ?

    And I won't get the answer from Rabbi Brody but from the Breslovers in Mea Shearim.

  11. Who are the "original Breslovers"? Your friends in Meah Shearim who got Yaakov Meir Shechter to sell coins that he "blessed" for $50,000? Shechter's goons racked in $10,000,000 from those "holy" shekalim!

  12. B"H

    I don't know what Rabbi Schechter does but the origina Breslovers are original !

    Remains the question:
    Why are Rabbi Berland & friends not accepted ?

    I suppose there is a very good reason, right ?

  13. B"H

    I don't know what Rabbi Schechter does but the original Breslovers are original !

    Remains the question:
    Why are Rabbi Berland & friends not accepted ?

    I suppose there is a very good reason, right ?

  14. I know this is an old post but just for the record, the coins made by Rav Yaakov Mayer Shechter were only done with much apprehension and it wasn't 50k each it was about 1500 each. It was done in order to raise the money to fix the cemetery and kever of Rav Nachman in Uman. There were bones of the martyrs buried there coming out of the ground and the locals were making a disgrace of it.I know several people that bought the coins and they are very happy about 10 years later because they believed in the cause. It had nothing to do with yeshuos although some of them had some major ones.

  15. The money never went to the yeshiva! I was an avrech for 3 years and no one was getting any money, even the money entitled to us from the gov. was kept from us.

    I saw people in dire poverty that didn't have food. My friend raised over 10k in America to help the people in the kehilah. Rebbenit Berland decided to use the money to buy HER granddaughter all of the furniture and appliances for her wedding.

    Yeah, that's really straight...NOT

  16. B"H

    I am not surprised to hear that. If Berland got 1000 $ from everyone asking for advice and turely invested the money in the Yeshiva, it would be a great and famous institution.

    I am just wondering whether the tax authorities know about all the money going over the table.

  17. these old people are really silly,what makes them think they're the real breslover?just a bunch of cavemen,i'm wondering what would hashem think of this lol

  18. I can tell you that I personally tried to give Rabbi Brody several hundred dollars when he was on tour and he refused it. He said give it to the organization but would not take it personally. He's a pure neshama...mamash.
