
Monday, October 27, 2008

The Rude Christian Missionaries


Every time you come for a Shabbat meal at Rabbi Mordechai Machlise's house in the Ma'alot Dafna neighbourhood in Jerusalem, the participants are given the opportunity to make a speech. First, the Rabbi is teaching and then every participant can say whatever he wants. Not really "whatever he wants", as Rabbi Machlis gives three restrictions beforehand:

1. The teaching shouldn't be longer than three minutes !"
2. No politics on Shabbat !"
3. Not offending anyone and not quoting sources from foreign ideologies such as Christianity. Or in other words, NO MISSIONIZING !"

Last Friday night, a Christian woman from the States, calling herself "Israel" sat down at one of the Machlis tables. Everyone knew that she is Christian because she very much looked like it. Moreover, she put the New Testament right next to her plate and honestly, I just knew that she is up to something.
However, she was very quiet and waited until Rabbi Machlis called up people for the teachings. As far as I remember, she was the second person getting up, and then started quoting two sentences; one from the Torah and one from Isiah (Yeshayahu). She obviously thought that by quoting a sentence (taken completely out of context), she can awake the Jews and convince them that the context would fit into the Christian Meshiach ideology. However, Rabbi Machlis explained her the real meaning of the concepts mentioned in the Tanach.

My complaint is that Christian missionaries are walking around in Jerusalem, are not ashamed of stuffing themselves with Jewish food and then later get up in order to make an anti - Jewish speech. The missionaries think that only they know the truth and that the Jews are stupid and just don't get it that "Mr. J. is the Meshiach".
Who do those people think they are ?
There are many Jews who have studied the Torah and further writings very intense; from the day they were born, they learned Jewish law and anything you can imagine. And then a Christian missionary is coming to a Rabbi's house and thinks that he can convince Jews with his stupid remarks and confused concepts.

Is there any human logic behind it ? And are the missionaries not ashamed of themselves ? I would never get the idea of going into a church, stuffing myself with Christian food and then talking about Judaism. Going to churches, priests, etc. would never even occur to me !


  1. B''H
    They are fanatics, how this people can get inn to the Rabbi house?

  2. B"H

    Rabbi Machlis is the only Rabbi in Jerusalem who invites anyone for Shabbat. Anyone can just show up and is welcomed. And many missionaries are using this kind of invitation for their own purposes.

  3. why wasn't she kicked out?!!!

  4. B"H

    Rabbi Machlis hardly ever throws anyone out. The only reason for that is violence. When a person is attacking another person.

    When a missionary starts talking the Rabbis stops him and tries to explain the Jewish point. Usually this never changes the opinon of the missionary but he has to shut up.
