Someone once asked me why G – d accepted Abel's sacrifice and refused Cain's.
The two characters of Cain and Abel (Hebrew: Hevel) are not easy to understand. There are already different opinions about their origin. The kabbalistic ZOHAR (Book of Splendor) says that Eve (Chava) had sexual relations with the snake. This happened when she ate from the "Tree of Knowledge – Etz HaDa'at Tov veRah".
It goes without saying that no human being has ever been able to explain the real meaning of what it means to eat from this tree. And what or whom does the snake represent ? What exactly was the tree and what does it mean having sexual relations with the snake ?
As we know, many times the Torah uses a symbolic kind of language. Let's stick to the ZOHAR where it says that the snake wasn't really a living animal but rather an inner voice convincing Chava to eat from the tree. The "Yetzer Harah – one's evil inclination", our own negative disposition trying us to persuade following our own desires instead of our intellect. When we do something wrong we know exactly that something negative is due to follow but we still keep on sinning.
The snake represents a inner persuasion to act against G – d's will. "Well, it won't be too bad", Chava may have thought.
At the moment, she and her husband Adam ate from the tree, both awakened the "Yetzer HaRah" in humanity. The difference between good and evil came into existence. Until then, there was only Good although the two of them always had the Yetzer inside of themselves. It was G – d Himself who had created the "Yetzer HaRah" in order to bring the concept of "Free Will" into this world. Without "Free Will" we would be puppets and couldn't do any Tikunim (soul rectifications). When Adam and Chava finally ate, they awakened the Yetzer and since, we are commanded to fight the Yetzer. An act, Adam and Chava regretted later on in life. Kabbalistic literature tells us that Avraham rectified Adam's act and did a Tikun for his soul, as Adam's Nefesh (lowest soul level / animal soul) was reincarnated in Avraham.
After the sin with the tree, the first child was conceived and born with an exposed Yetzer. And this was Cain, as he was the oldest of the two brothers. And as Cain was the first one, he received the full doses of the new Yetzer and Abel (Hevel) received a little less. Thus, both of them had very different character traits and didn't get along too well.
We usually see Cain as the evil brother and Hevel as his victim. But not only Cain got the Yetzer Harah but also Hevel. And, therefore, Hevel was not such as great guy as we seem to believe. He was not that innocent at all. The Midrashim "Sefer Adam HaRishon" as well as "Sefer Seder HaDorot" teach that Cain was the first bringing his sacrifice. According to the "Midrash Tanchuma" he did so at the same spot where once Adam HaRishon had brought his sacrifice after he was thrown out of Gan Eden (Paradise). The famous spot was the Temple Mount (Har HaMoriah) in Jerusalem.
The Torah describes Cain as someone working the fields and therefore, he sacrificed fruit or vegetables. According to Rashi, Cain only sacrificed fruit which fell of the tree or was of a bad quality anyway. Cain simply didn't care although G – d deserves only the best. Hevel saw his brother bringing the sacrifices and became jealous. "What he can do, I can do much better ". And thus, Hevel brought his own sacrifice. As he worked with animals, he took one of his animals and sacrificed it. An animal of good quality and this is why his sacrifice was accepted; at least according to most commentaries. But what about Hevel's envy ? Didn't he just bring the sacrifice because he saw Cain ?
The commentator Kli Yakar makes an amazing statement which is widely accepted. When Hevel became jealous, it was in a positive way of being jealous.
And what is "positive jealousy" ?
Everything negative in this world can be turned around into something positive and this also concerns the envy of a person. Let's assume that I am too lazy to walk to the Synagogue but see someone else running there. Then it can happen that I become jealous in a positive sense. Envy showing that I have the desire to serve G – d. Why only someone else and not me ?
This is exactly what happened to Hevel when he saw his brother bringing his sacrifice. Cain didn't care that much but he sacrificed. That's very nice. But Hevel, first of all, sacrificed a great quality animal and secondly, Cain had aroused his positive envy. Therefore, Hevel had the greatest Kavanah (intention). And these are the reasons why his sacrifice was accepted by G – d.
Onkelos has the same opinion.
But why is it still hard to understand that everything depended on the envy ?
Because both brothers were equipped with extremely high souls from their father Adam and, therefore, should have been able to act differently. Hevel shouldn't have waited until he becomes envious but instead brought his sacrifice without the passive help of his brother.
And why did Hevel have to die ?
The easiest solution would be to say that Cain was jealous and upset. However, there are also different statements in the Midrashim. The Midrash Tanchuma states that both brothers had been already fighting for a long time and Cain just finally lost his temper. In kabbalistic literature we find a further reason:
The two brothers were born with twin sisters. Cain had one sister and Hevel had two. And this is the actual reason why Cain was jealous. He wanted Hevel's second twin sister but his brother didn't want to give her to him. And this is why Cain killed his brother. But the Kabbalah goes much further. The souls of the two participants in this incident as well as the soul of the twin sister in question were reincarnated. Later on, Moshe included a part of Hevel and when he killed the Egyptian taskmaster, he actually killed Cain. Again the reason was a woman. The Egyptian had a affair with a Jewish woman and Kabbalah sees a connection between the struggle between Cain and Hevel who were originally fighting about Hevel's second twin sister. First, Hevel lost and now, due to Moshe, Cain lost. Thus, Hevel's soul underwent a Tikun. One could also sarcastically call it "revenge".
Some generations later, after Cain had killed Hevel, his descendants killed him with an arrow. The incident was actually an accident and not at all intended. Cain was shot when he went out hunting and some parts of his family mistakenly thought that he is an animal. He was shot and died.
It is said that all his descendants were of bad character traits and that all of them died in Noach's Flood. This is why Cain has no descendants. However, there are claims on the Internet that the descendants of Cain once built Atlantis which was eventually destroyed because the people were only evil. This is just a theory and nothing has been proven but it does sound like an interesting idea.
Moreover, the Midrashim state that neither Cain nor Hevel really looked like a human being. At least not the way their father Adam did. Only Adam's third son Seth (Shet) was born according to Adam and only Shet became the father of humankind.
This is good information. I think more people should read this blog. If Jews were more internet-savvy, they would.
ReplyDeleteMy blog is also read by far too few people. It's a sign of the times.
ReplyDeleteHello Patrick,
Unfortunately, you are right.
I think that Jews do read blogs etc., but the very religious mostly seem to read, whatever fits into their opinion. And I am sometimes controversial.:-)))
But I love being controversial.:-)
However, Israelis (religous as well as secular) read a lot.
Very interesting.
ReplyDeleteAbout Atlantis possibly being the ancestors of Cain, ive thought of this idea before and i have a different opinion.
Atlantis may have been the 7 kings of edom. The world that preceded the creation of Adam HaRishon and our current world.
Basically, my rationale is this. Atlantic derives from the left side. The Atlantic ocean is identified with binah(source of the left side)and the pacific is chokmah(the right -pacific also being the largest(wisdom) ocean aswell as the most peaceful(like wisdom)
The word atlantis is obviously of the same meaning as Atlantic, which having the more aggresive oceanic waters has its source in the demonic(or source of the demonic)
Therefore, my theoey is that Atlantis was the kingdom that preceded this current world of ours.
I dont think it could have been during the last 6000 years. Because Atlantis was created and controlled in 7 different areas(according to antlantean legend)These were the 7 kings of Edom.
Also, theres definitely an international cabal that is currently plotting to reestablish ancient atlantis. Its known as the NWO/illuminati
They worship demons(archetypal intelligences) that are guiding them towards succeeding in this goal. Bohemian Grove in California is the hangout for all these elitists. Military men, politicians, media moguls, bankers, businessman, celebrities Its truly crazy.
The Zohar also comments on this phenomena in Va Yara
"he has ministers and deputies controlling all worldly events"
Refering to the demonic intelligences taht have united with and guided these very evil men throughout history, for the purpose of restablishing this empire of evil. Theyre all centralized bodies. The CAtholic Church, governments, etc.
ReplyDeleteNot Cain's ancestors built Atlantis but his descendants.
In case, the claim is true at all, as there is no proof.
However, you are right when you say that other worlds existed before G - d created our world. Most kabbalistic sources mean that those previous worlds only existed spiritually. In G - d's "mind" on the way of creation to our world.
Nevertheless, there are sources, as the "Sefer Temunah" claiming that after a certain amount of years, G - d destroys worlds because mankind doesn't fails fulfilling its purpose - bringing the Meshiach. After the destruction, G - d would create a new world and the same starts from the beginning until Meshiach finally comes. Not too many Sages agree to this idea !
Its definitely a confusing idea.
ReplyDeleteYou see so so many people(non jews) who claim to have memories of this ancient empire(apparently through channeling memories of past lives)....
The occult literature of the west in general covers this subject in detail.
Yet, kabbalah has nothing to say of this subject. Only alluding to it by saying worlds existed prior to this one.
Aryeh kaplan also has a very interesting opinion about the way G-d runs the universe. That basically tzaddiks go from planet to planet rectifying the creation.
so of course i want to adhere to the views of the sages, yet at the same time, its confusing!. so much craziness is happening in our world right now and apparently all of this has to do with the belief of the pagans that an ancient empire called atlantis(based on ideals of apotheosis, ie; ignoring the creation and g-ds mitzvot)existed, G-d destroyed it, now theyre plotting again to reestablish it with the help of these demonic intelligences(which have guided them throughout history)
This definitely exists. Its a very arcane subject and many consider it to be conspiracy theory.
Ive studied it thoroughly and it is not theory, but truth. These "gods" of the pagans were demonic intelligences. Gnostics consider YHVH to be the demiurge. So theres definitely an occult presence that knowignly controls our world/ worships demons and worst of all hates jews.
Obviously, their belief system is evil and wrong. What begs the question to me is how can you reconcile this growing pagan belief with Judaism/kabbalah. What do the kabbalists have to say about Egypts 3 pyramids? Where did they get that technology. Why is it they believe they come from an ancient empire.
Egypt is evil all around. Mitzrayim means limitation. The spyhnyx in Greek means contraction. The desert is the abode of the demonic(according to teh zohar). The pyramid is a symbol of heirarchy.
So it all begins with Egypt. Egypt is the demonic realm. They share the very same beliefs as the hindus, and their "Snake" i believe is in referenace to the Hindu idea of kundalini. A magical potency that when invoked creates a shift in consciousness. This kundalini snake always appears where the pineal gland is located on the ancient crowns worn by the egyptian elite.
The knowledge of this snake leads to a separation between G-d and man(since its purpose is to maintain ones indivuidality following death). Eves sin may have had something to do with this esoteric idea.
Anywho, sorry for being all over the place. i dont usually encounter many Jews who are interested in discussing these topics so im getting all excited jotting down different ideas
Sorry for the trouble. would be very interested to here what your take on these ideas are
ReplyDeleteThat's okay when someone is getting carried away by a specific subject.:-)
I myself am always busy with the creation subject and Parashat Bereshit is the most amazing one in the Torah. At least to me.
I am making a list of your points and hope not to forget mentioning anything.:-)
1. Kabbalah does speak about Reincarnations (Gilgulim) but the problem today is that no one can really make a claim if and how his soul had been reincarnated before. Thus, we don't know for sure if claims about previous cultures are true.
2. I wouldn't emphasize or stick too much to the past concerning our situation today. We were created in order to deal with the present situation. Of course, we have to learn from the past and don't forget it; but to me all the occults from the past don't have a meaning.
You are right that there is Jewish religious literature about the existence of other G - d's. Even the Torah mentions it when Moshe's snake is eating all those from Pharao's magicians. Their G - d's turnned sticks into snakes as well but Moshe's snake succeeded showing that only ONE G - D is ruling everything. And this ONE G - d is superior to any other force. However, there are evil forces and I even heard a Litvishe Rabbi once talking about going after these evil destructive forces.
3. I haven't come across so far about any kabbalistic text describing the Egyptian Pyramids although they were built according to a certain star / lunar system.
I forgot if it is the Midrash or the Aggadah explaining that when Avraham went down to Egypt, he taught the Egyptians different kinds of magic / knowledge. Furthermore, there is a Midrashic opinion that someone from the very early days of Avraham moved from Babylon to Egypt, became the first Pharao and had all that knowledge about astronomy. It says so in "Sefer Seder HaDorot".
4. I have never studied the "snake - issue" but it surely would be interesting.